Posts tagged pregnancy
How building biology principles can help labour and birthing

Do you know how the physical aspects of our environment — or your own home — can help us prepare for the transition of labour and birth?

No place else is more potent and intimate than the home for these preparations, as this is where our daily actions become habits for our mind and body. It also provides the new physical environmental and feedback look for baby.

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EMFs and Birth (And a Personal Story): A Calm EMF-Environment for a Safe, Healthy Pregnancy

A calm EMF environment lays the groundwork for health conception and pregnancy. All of our biological systems are electrical. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals, for example. Any environmental exposure to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body. Eliminating artificial EMFs is top priority before, during, and after pregnancy as the baby develops.

This is especially important as pregnancy and birth is also a mental game.

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4 Ways To Prepare Now for Baby — Especially When You Already Have Children

To share about the elements of a biological home environment, I decided to revisit my own birth experience to reflect on the practical approaches that work. I myself have learnt a lot between my first and last pregnancies, and so in this article, I focus on the simple things that can make the difference for families already busy with little ones.

Essential to preparing for the arrival of a child is the home environment – a supportive, comfortable space rooted in the love and commitment for your little one. Biological principles and lifestyle choices are at the heart of preparing your nest, like any renovation or interior design project.

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Why Both Mother and Baby Need a Biological Space

Much of the focus is around the physical, mental, and emotional changes and challenges mothers can expect, and the whole development of the baby to look forward to. Less attention is paid to the factors in our personal spaces that can help or impede the desires and goals we have for a healthy mother and child, as well as the sort of nurturing spaces we want to set up for optimal heallth.

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