Study: Comprehensive Review of Mercury Provoked Autism

Emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility

This is especially when the body is not able to excrete mercury and/or when one is exposed to mercury at critical developmental periods, such as during pregnancy and in childhood.

Mercury Causes Autism Symptoms

Mercury has been found to cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural dysfunctions similar to traits defining/associated with ASDs, and that these similarities extend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry.

These symptoms span social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors, and stereotypic abnormal movement patterns.

The Research Findings

  • Mercurials may be found in drugs for the eye, ear, nose, throat, and skin; in bleaching creams; as preservatives in cosmetics, tooth pastes, lens solutions, vaccines, allergy test and immunotherapy solutions; in antiseptics, disinfectants, and contraceptives; in fungicides and herbicides; in dental fillings and thermometers; and many other products.

  • Mercury has been to cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural dysfunctions similar to traits defining/associated with ASDs. These similarities extend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry.

  • A review of molecular mechanisms showed that mercury exposure can induce death, disorganization and/or damage to selected neurons in the brain similar to that seen in recent ASD brain pathology studies. The researchers suggest that these neuronal alterations may likely produce the symptoms by which ASDs are diagnosed.

  • A review of treatments suggests that ASD patients who undergo protocols to reduce mercury show significant clinical improvements in some cases.

The researchers note that in conclusion, the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence favours acceptance that Hg exposure is capable of causing some ASDs.

Environmental Toxins Can Inflame the Brain

Here’s another study that reviewed how heavy metals can cause autism through brain inflammation. The article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology is entitled "Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review."

The author is Helen Ratajczak, who used to be a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm.

Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them. You can read about her study here.
