Building Biology: The Ultimate Checklist for First Time Moms

Be Sparing and calm

When I had my first, I remember having a stash of like 12 binkies. Every time my daughter dropped one, I would put it aside for sanitizing and give her a new one. I also had glass milk bottles and a manual breast pump. Each night, I would sterilise the glass, bottle, as well as wet mop with an organic cellulose sponge all the dust throughout the apartment.

These had fallen on our own floor, by the way, the one I cleaned daily, myself. But I digress… 12 binkies are too many, 25 blankets *are* too many, 150 burp clothes might be enough, but my advice is to buy the big size laundry detergent because you’ll be washing clothes and burp cloths for the rest of your life. 

  • Stick with essentials 

  • Don’t overthink it 

  • Limit your information sources (and overwhelm!)

You don’t need as many items as you might think for a new baby. There may be things you’ll need to go out and buy later, but there’s time for that. Until then, don’t overwhelm yourself with how many of each item you need.

After 2 babies (plus one on the way!), I can tell you, you only really *need* a handful of things. Here is what I think is the most important to have on hand. 

The Ultimate Checklist for First Time Moms

The absolute basic essentials, the only 27 things you should absolutely have before baby makes the grand entrance: 

  1. Birth Bag and a Hospital Bag 

  2. Diapers - dioxin-free at the least 

  3. Wipes

  4. Swaddle blankets 

  5. Organic Onesies (long sleeve or short, depending on your climate)

  6. Zipper/footie pajamas

  7. Nail file/clippers 

  8. Suction bulb or nose Frida 

  9. Bottles 

  10. Breastpump 

  11. Milk storage bags 

  12. Hakaa silicone manual breast pump 

  13. Baby carrier (wraps/ring sling for at home, HBC for going out) 

  14. Reusable breast pads 

  15. Nipple cream (Lansinoh lanolin is my fav!) 

  16. Pullover sports bra or shelf tank

  17. Burp Cloths (I use cloth diapers because they’re super absorbent)  

  18. Binkies (like 5 is good)

  19. Car seat 

  20. Stroller 

  21. Car seat cover or blanket 

  22. Diaper Bag 

Very Optional Checklist

With my three children, I did not use these. You may choose to.

  1. Pack n Play (with changing station and napper)

  2. Pack n Play sheets

  3. Baby seat or bouncer 

  4. Baby monitor, wired

  5. Mirror for the car