5G FAQs: Why is there an international appeal to stop the rollout of 5G?

The 5G Space Appeal is signed by over 260,000 international scientists, medical doctors and engineers warning against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields on humans, animals and the environment.

The appeal calls for a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication.

The 5G Space Appeal can be found here  and states, “We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites.

5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.” 

What is 5G?

The term 5G refers to a fifth-generation cellular wireless technology. It is a new wave form of short wave radiation and will utilise not only the frequencies currently in use from 1G to 4G of wireless technology, but also higher millimeter wave and sub-millimeter wave frequencies.

5G aims to enable “smart” homes, “smart” businesses, “smart” highways, “smart” cities and self-driving cars. Virtually everything we own and buy, from refrigerators and washing machines to milk cartons, hairbrushes and infants’ diapers, will contain antennas and microchips and will be connected wirelessly to the Internet.

In fact, 5G as a global standard is meant to power the Fourth Industrial Revolution and change the social and economic landscape. In this article, we focus instead on the biological impacts of the technology.

5G antenna — closer, denser

(Note that this is different from current WiFi radio signals that are at either 2.4 GHz or 5GHz. 5G celluar technology uses higher frequencies in the THz range. Older WiFi runs at 2.5GHz while newer runs at 2.5GHz and 5GHz. Many devices such as laptops can only use the 2.5Ghz signal.)

5G is a new wave form of short wave radiation, which the WHO classifies as a Group 2B carcinogen. [https://www.iarc.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdf]

Little is known about these millimeter waves (30GHz-300GHz). While these frequencies only permeate a small fraction of the human epidermis (the skin), the effect on the cornea, in particular, needs serious research. [https://web.archive.org/web/20180823220918/https://www.pcmag.com/commentary/363244/the-problem-with-5g]

As Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada, explains, because these waves are poor at travelling long distances, more transmitters will be needed to make 5G work:

"5G will impact you personally. There are designs that show the requirement for small cell 5G antennas as close as every third house in the neighbourhood and could be as close as every 500 feet in public areas. The impact of that radiation at that level of frequency and intensity and power, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week is unprecedented and is not understood.” [https://ehtrust.org/former-president-of-microsoft-canada-frank-clegg-on-safety-5g-wireless-technologies/]

What is the controversy around 5G?

The word “controversy” leads us to think there is “Contention; dispute; debate; discussion; agitation of contrary opinions” (borrowing from a dictionary here).

However, you will find that such disputes come from different interests and perspectives, less about the actual facts themselves.

One example: for a long time, it was thought that non-ionising radiation had no health impacts, unlike ionising radiation such as X-rays. As the use of wireless technology became ubiquitous, and as we increased our exposure to wireless technologies of 2G, 3G and 4G — that we use today with our cell phones, computers and wearable tech, there is increasing evidence for concern around high frequency radiation.

The Bio initiative Report was instrumental in gathering thousands of studies showing the biological impact of 5G, leading to the WHO recognition of wireless technology as a possible carcinogen.

Thousands of independent studies conclude that non-ionising radiation like wireless radiation does cause biological harm, including:

  • oxidative stress

  • cancers

  • brain tumours

  • sperm/testicular damage

  • neuropsychiatric effects

  • DNA damage

  • hormonal changes

More about the health impacts [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118300355?fbclid=IwAR0YSqoBqW2OE2zUIzBQiR5JAVEGxuoimf0CGyPbNAWKqtP-BWasDGk_BcM]

As our EMF exposure increases with 5G networks, we need to critically evaluate our exposure. Mounting evidence are calling for concern and precaution over biological effects of wireless radiation on people as well as the ecosystem and our environment.

Meanwhile, rollouts for 5G continue to be ever more ambitious. Elon Musk’s rocket company SpaceX was authorised by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in November 2018 to launch a fleet of 7,518 satellites in a scheme to provide global satellite broadband services to every corner of the Earth— a “smart planet” of sorts. [https://futurism.com/spacex-satellites-approval-fcc]

What is the science behind 5G (fifth generation wireless)?

The wireless industry admit they have no safety studies on 5G and do not plan to do any. "The stark truth is the health hazards are unknown and unstudied." Senator Richard Blumenthal, Dec 2018, in a February 2019 US Senate hearing [https://youtu.be/z8I4XDKX2a4]

5G is not simply an upgrade from 4G. It will be tens to hundreds of times more powerful and will use a completely different technology that has never been tested. 4G networks use frequencies below 6 GHz, but 5G uses extremely high frequencies in the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range.

Most common wireless devices currently operate below 10 gHz. 5G will operate 10gHz+ into the tHz, which is uncharted territory. It has shorter wavelength and a higher frequency. Theoretically those higher frequencies cannot penetrate as easily and cant travel as far. To compensate for these, more devices will likely need to be built to get coverage and power increased.

So far, over 134,000 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experts have signed an international appeal to the UN, the WHO, the EU, the Council of Europe and governments of all nations to stop the rollout of 5G.

Read the appeal in English here:


As the 5G standard is new, there are no studies that have looked at long term human exposure to 5G.

However, evidence that wireless technology is harmful to life is already overwhelming—enough data for scientists to call for a moratorium. [https://ehtrust.org/scientific-research-on-5g-and-health/]

If the telecommunications industry’s plans for 5G come to fruition, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation that are tens to hundreds of times greater than what exists today, without any possibility of escape anywhere on the planet. These 5G plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to all of the Earth’s ecosystems.

Immediate measures must be taken to protect humanity and the environment, in accordance with ethical imperatives and international agreements. — The 5G Space Appeal

5G harms the ecosystem, including bees

Beekeepers were recently added due to the increasing scientific and direct observation that RFR and cell towers are injurious to bees.

Which countries and cities have opted out of 5G?

Cell phone companies began deploying 5G in 2019. In USA, 5G coverage is already available in many areas.

But not everyone is as enthusiastic about the deployment of 5G. Many towns, cities, and whole countries have decided to ban 5G, or halt its rollout, for two growing concerns: it has not been proven safe and it may take more time to ascertain its fuller effects; and growing concern about the data emerging over 4G/5G densification.

Their decisions affirm that technological advancement will never be at the expense of the health and welfare of their citizens.

Why the rush for 5G?

The 5G rollout is being called “progress” in the drive for "faster, better internet”. As most of us already own mobile phones and have access to the internet, expanding to 5G holds untapped markets for the wireless carriers and for the IoT device and sensor makers.

Read more about the wireless industry https://safeg.net/5g-the-real-story/.

How much of this push is really a gold rush for the wireless industry? Much of the things being touted by the wireless industry—such as “smart meters”, driverless cars, the Internet of Things, remote surgery by camera, and improved virtual reality—are things most people can live without, or can be done better and more securely with wired connections.

The practical considerations may prove cumbersome instead, as smart cities “will be exceedingly complex to manage, with all sorts of unpredictable vulnerabilities” — Shoshanna Saxe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto writes.

Billions are being invested in 5G. But will technologies, as in the case of smart meters considered as one of the most mature and most widely adopted applications of IoT technology, rapidly become obsolete?

Are savings, whether to the consumer or to government, worth the expense of capital and infrastructure?

Who determines accuracy, privacy, and efficacy? [https://www.smh.com.au/business/smart-meters-too-toxic-to-touch-20120906-25ge2.html] [https://www.ema.gov.sg/reply_to_forum_letter.aspx?news_sid=201612075WEXOFyHRyge

How can we exercise precaution?

While debate continues, there are many steps we can take as individuals to protect our own health amidst a denser electro-polluted environment.

I list a few considerations that, when implemented, could have the most impact in reducing our exposure to wireless radiation:

  • Children are especially susceptible to EMFs. Children’s developing brains, eyes and bone marrow absorb electromagnetic radiation three to 10 times deeper than adults. Their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner and their relative size is smaller. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213879X14000583] Microwave exposure can result in degeneration of the protective myelin sheath that surrounds brain neurons, at critical stages of their development. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/myelin]

  • Understand microwave exposure limits have remained unchanged for over 20 years. Take responsibility to educate yourself on EMFs and how to recognise and reduce your exposure to this environmental toxin.

  • Rethink your SMART home. The more devices connected to your Wi-Fi or cellular network, the more EMF exposure your family is going to have. Decline having a smart meter installed by the utilities. Ditch the “smart home” devices that offer to turn on/off lights or air conditioning.

  • Avoid living near cell antennas. Don’t buy a house or rent an apartment right next to cell antennas, especially if you have or plan to have kids.

  • Consult a Building Biologist trained in EMF mitigation. If you want to understand your real exposure to wireless radiation and other sources of EMFs, get in touch with me or another Building Biologist in your area.
    What can you do?

If you are concerned about the possible health impacts, and you want to ensure your own safe living environment:

  1. Sign the international appeal.

  2. Join “Stop 5G” groups in your part of the world. Connect through the internet and in-person. More people are becoming aware of wireless radiation as an environmental toxin and recognise health symptoms as a sign of hypersensitivity. Sign any local petitions and support the appeals in any way you can.

  3. Learn more about the 5G Global Protest Day. 205 events in more than 195 cities in 33 countries are being planned for 25 January 2020. Events are planned in: Australia (5 cities), Belgium. Bermuda, Canada (13 events), Croatia (6 cities), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (7 cities), Finland, France, , Germany (11 cities), Greece - Patras, Hungary (3 cities), Ireland - Dublin, Italy (39 cities), Japan - Tokyo, Kenya, Malta, Netherlands - Amsterdam, New Zealand (15 cities), Norway (5 cities), Poland (9 cities), Portugal - Lisbon, Romania (4 cities), Serbia - Belgrade, Slovenia - Ljubljana, South Africa - Durban and Cape Town, Spain, Sweden (3 cities), Switzerland (13 cities), United Kingdom (13 events), and the United States (34 events).

  4. Subscribe to the SafeG Alliance mailing list to receive updates. Subscribe to my newsletter as I share updates and research about EMFs.

  5. Share this information with others.

References and resources:

  1. Birds Bees and Mankind: Destroying Nature by “electrosmog” by Urlich Warnke. https://www.naturalscience.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/kompetenzinitiative-ev_study_bees-birds-and-mankind_04-08_english.pdf

  2. https://ehtrust.org/international-actions-to-halt-and-delay-5g/

This Real-Life Study on Emfs Will Blow Your Mind

You know that wireless radiation from molbile devices are not the best for your health. You’re also concerned about the wireless infrastructure that exist in the urban landscape all around you. After all, we live in an electromagnetic soup in a urban technological society

 One Scientist in Japan Was Able to Conduct a Real Life Experiment

In 2014, Japanese physician Tetsuharu Shinjyo conducted a groundbreaking before & after study that points to a critical issue affecting global health.

The study focused on the residents of a condominium in Okinawa, where cell phone antennas had been operating on the roof for several years. The people living there were exposed from 1998 to 2009 to the radiation from mobile phone base station antennas installed on top of their condominium.

To accomplish this, in January and November 2009, 107 of 122 inhabitants were interviewed and underwent medical examinations. The first examination was carried out while the base station was in operation, the second examination three months after the base station antennas were removed once and for all.

A total of 122 individuals from 39 of the 47 apartments were interviewed & examined.

Before the antennas were removed, the health issues among the residents were alarming:

  • Chronic fatigue: 21 individuals

  • Dizziness, vertigo or Meniere’s disease: 14 individuals

  • Headaches: 14 individuals

  • Eye problems (pain, dry eyes, repeated infections): 17 individuals

  • Insomnia: 14 individuals

  • Chronic nosebleeds: 10 individuals


However, after the removal of the antennas, the results were striking:

  • No cases of chronic fatigue in the building

  • No one experienced nosebleeds anymore

  • No one had eye problems

  • Only two individuals still had insomnia

  • Only one individual still had dizziness

  • Only one individual still had headaches

  • Conditions such as gastritis & glaucoma also resolved


These clinical symptoms pretty much vanished after the mobile antenna was removed.

Like the residents of that building before the study, the majority of the people in the world today do not know that their acute and chronic illnesses are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution. They do not talk to each other about their health problems & are unaware that they are shared by many of their neighbours.

The Researchers Conducted This Study Independently and It Took Five Years to Publish

This study is rare because the conducted this research without outside funds in order to maintain neutrality and avoid pressures from external sources. It took almost five years before had his paper published in a journal.

"We live today with a number of devastating diseases that do not belong here, whose origin we do not know, whose presence we take for granted and no longer question. What it feels like to be without them is a state of vitality that we have completely forgotten. . . . These are the diseases of civilization, that we have also inflicted on our animal and plant neighbors, diseases that we live with because of a refusal to recognize the force that we have harnessed for what it is. The 6o-cycle current in our house wiring, the ultrasonic frequencies in our computers, the radio waves in our televisions, the microwaves in our cell phones, these are only distortions of the invisible rainbow that runs through our veins and makes us alive. But we have forgotten. It is time that we remember."—Arthur Firstenberg

Epilepsy, Seizures, and Toxicity: Why Are Childhood Seizures Increasing

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition characterised by recurrent, unprovoked seizures that start in the brain.

One single seizure or fit does not necessarily indicate Epilepsy, and a seizure can be caused by many factors.

Some types of seizures are more common in childhood, such as absence seizures which can be very brief —blink and you might miss it. It looks as though a child is ‘spaced out’, ‘daydreaming’ or not paying attention.

Learn how to help spot signs of seizures, so that you can get early treatment that may reduce the risk of lasting brain injury.

Symptoms of Seizures

Seizures is an abnormal, uncontrolled electrical discharge in the brain altering function or behavior. It is the most common neurological condition in children. Seizures can occur spontaneously or be triggered by things such as stress, excitement, boredom and tiredness. Anti-epileptic drugs can be used to control seizures and establishing good sleep patterns, as well as maintaining a healthy diet have also been shown to help manage the condition.

The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classifies seizures based on the type of onset or where they originate in the brain.

Symptoms of seizures are widely variable but include stiffening (tonic) or rhythmic twitching (clonic) of one or more extremities or the face, staring spells, lip smacking or other non-purposeful movements or distinct periods of changes in behavior such as staring or sudden headache. In children on the autism spectrum, a sudden loss of languageskills or behavioral regression may be caused by epileptic disruption of organized brain activity that may not always show up clinically.

Between the time of the brain injury and the onset of seizures, called epileptogenesis, is a "silent" period because this brain abnormality cannot be detected by current neurological exams or electroencephalography (EEG). Before the actual observed seizure are brief, small electrical microbursts, or microseizures, occur before the onset of clinical recurrent seizures.

four main categories of seizures include:

• Generalized Seizures – affect entire brain
• Partial Seizures – affect part of the brain
• Non-Epileptic Seizures – not caused by epilepsy, but other things such as diabetes, fever, etc

Vaccines can cause fever, and fever in young children can lead to febrile seizures; these facts are not new. Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder of childhood and occur in ∼5% of all children, usually those younger than 24 months.
• Status Epilepticus – a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes

Aside from neurosurgery, which benefits only a small population of Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients, there are no other effective treatments or preventive strategies.

Environmental triggers of epilepsy

Seizures are often unpredictable, but triggers can induce them, such as stress and environmental toxins. Being aware of potential seizure triggers helps avodid another occurance.

Anything that disturbs the normal pattern of the brain can trigger epilepsy. Trauma, illness, brain damage, abnormal development, food intolerances, and heavy metal toxicity can all be factors with epileptic patients. It is estimated that over 75% of patients with epilepsy do not know what is causing their seizure activity.

People with epilepsy are able to reduce the frequency of their seizure activity through dietary modifications and removing heavy metals from the body.

Certain food intolerances such as gluten (wheat, barley, rye, etc) casein (dairy), corn, or soy can be a major “triggers” for patients with epilepsy.

Heavy metal toxicity

Once of the most common ways that we experience heavy metal toxicity is through our teeth. Mercury fillings, gold crowns, and other metals that are placed in our mouth have the ability to “leak” into our bodies and accumulate in various organs, including the brain.

The brain and the Bazan effect

the brain consumes 20% of body oxygen and the central nervous system (CNS) is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress. Iron overexposure causes oxidative stress and ROS, which upregulate the c-fos gene.

Dr. Bazan is a neuroscientist who’s work influenced me while I was a resident at LSU and long before I had a quantum perspective.  Dr Jack Kruse shares extensively about his work; he was the first person who was able to link clinical diseases to the RPE in the retina by discovering what’s now called “the Bazan effect”. He was initially studying what effect seizures and lack of blood flow had on the CNS.  He found when the brain is stressed for any reason, neurons release two types of essential fatty acids, namely omega 6 and omega 3.  There names are arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexonic acid (DHA).  These are essential FFA’s because the body has a poor capacity to make them endogenously.

Following this discovery, when they systemically administered Neuroprotectin D-1 (NPD1), they discovered that NPD1 regulated these bursts of brain electrical activity. So it not only reduced the aberrant brain cell signaling leading to severe generalized seizures, but also the spontaneous recurrent seizures. (Neuroprotectin D-1, discovered in the Bazan lab, is derived from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an essential omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil.)


  1. Hironishi M., Ueyama E., Senba E. Systematic expression of immediate early genes and intensive astrocyte activation induced by intrastriatal ferrous iron injection. Brain Res. 1999;828:145–153. doi: 10.1016/S0006-8993(99)01356-6. doi.org/ [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

What You Should Know about Wireless Radiation: Health Impacts on Babies and Children

Wireless radiation is just one form of electromagnetic fields (or EMFs).

These are invisible waves of energy emitted by electronic devices like WiFi routers, cell phones, and baby monitors.

You can’t see them, but these EMFs are how your iPad and all mobile devices connects to the cell tower.

You cannot sense these as with other pollution such as smog, noise pollution, but your body is definitely sensitive to these fields.

Children are uniquely vulnerable to wireless radiation.

Children are more vulnerable to wireless radiation and cell phone radiation because they have smaller heads, they have thinner skulls, and they have developing brains. Research shows that children absorb higher levels of wireless radiation.

Wherever you are using your wireless device, this radiation is being absorbed into your body, quite intensely, whenever it’s nearby. So, if it’s in your head, you’re going to get high levels of absorption of the non-ionizing radiation into your head and brain. If it’s near the abdomen and you’re pregnant, your body will receive that radiation as will your developing baby.

Wireless radiation is linked to a wide range of symptoms.

Before it even becomes an acute disease, Some studies of people living near cell towers have also confirmed an array of health complaints, including dizziness, nausea, headaches, tinnitus and insomnia, from people identified as having "electromagnetic hypersensitivity."

Wireless radiation is considered a carcinogen.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the World Health Organization, cited troubling but uncertain evidence in classifying wireless radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

In 2018, a study by the federal government that was nearly two decades in the making found “clear evidence” that cellphone radiation caused cancer in lab animals. A major study in Italy produced similar results.

The main reason for this new classification was its linked to gliomas.

Cellphone radiation was classified a “possible carcinogen” in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, a conclusion based on human epidemiological studies that found an increased risk of glioma, a malignant brain cancer, associated with cellphone use.

Gliomas are the most common CNS tumors in children and adolescents; it is usually a fast-growing cancer that affects your child's brain or spinal cord.

Leukaemia and brain cancer are BOTH among the top five most common childhood cancers in most countries that track such statistics, from Singapore, Malaysia in the tropics to the UK, across Europe.

In fact, leukaemia and brain cancer account for more than half of all childhood cancers. Check out the population statistics in countries such as the UK, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia. By contrast, these cancers are rare in adults.

While these childhood cancers are rare and have high overall survival, it remains the first cause of death from

disease in children and adolescents. Can you imagine what the leading factor to such cancers are?

They’ve been concerned for a long time.

“They” being the many official institutions. For example, before the WHO’s 2011 official declaration, between 2008 and 2011, the European Union Parliament and the Council of Europe passed multiple resolutions against the “early, ill-considered, and prolonged use of mobiles and other devices emitting microwaves.”

The European parliaments’ advice for an exposure level was called A.L.A.R.A. (as low as reasonably achievable). (How low is still up to you to achieve as there are no standard regulations.)

Many medical associations in North America and Europe have also issued public statements to warn about the serious health risks associated with using wireless devices. Among them, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine wrote:

Wireless radiation is linked to autism and spectrum disorders.

A majority of studies that have looked at something called oxidative stress have found an effect. Now oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and more inflammation can lead to a lot of other health implications.

Dr. Martha Herbert documented in her publications, looking at autism and ADHD, there is inflammation in the brain. With electromagnetic fields, there are studies showing inflammation as well.

Many clinicians, doctors, and health professionals have found reducing electromagnetic fields can help with kids who have behavioral problems or have autism and other health issues. It’s been a way to impact or reduce electromagnetic fields that can support the child’s resilience.

Wireless radiation can cause behavioural problems in children.

If you are pregnant and exposed to cellphone radiation, your baby could be born susceptible to behavioural issues. A Yale study in 2012 found hyperactivity and reduced memory in mice exposed to cellphone radiation in the womb, consistent with human epidemiological research showing a rise in behavioral disorders among children who were exposed to cellphones in the womb.

The researchers exposed the pregnant mice to radiation from a muted and silenced cell phone positioned above the cage and placed on an active phone call for the duration of the trial. A control group of mice was kept under the same conditions but with the phone deactivated (such as being on “airplane mode”).

After the mice were born, researchers conducted psychological and behavioral tests, as well as measured their brain electrical activity.

“We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb. The evidence is really, really strong now that there is a causal relationship between cellphone radiation exposure and behavior issues in children. — Dr. Hugh Taylor, the author of the mouse study and chair of the obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences department at the Yale School of Medicine”

Concerned scientists are advocating for education around possible harms of wireless tech and how it should be used with care around children.

The BabySafe Project was conceived jointly by Dr. Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust and Patti and Doug Wood of Grassroots Environmental Education after attending a conference in Stonington, Connecticut — it was where Dr. Hugh Taylor of Yale School of Medicine presented the results of his important study on fetal exposures to cell phone radiation. https://www.babysafeproject.org/science

Your child may already be suffering from EMF

A case in Canada saw three young children with an environmental intolerance, medically known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). They regularly suffered with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, concentration and memory problems, anxiety, abdominal pain, nosebleeds, ringing in the ears, and more. These symptoms were otherwise unexplainable.

In May of 2012, to accommodate children with EHS and to provide choice for parents who want to heed health warnings to reduce exposure for children who are most vulnerable, the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) called for a moratorium on Wi-Fi in schools.

EMFs health impacts begin pre-conception.

Higher levels of exposure could reduce sperm quality in men and increase miscarriage risk in women. The two miscarriage studies, conducted by Kaiser Permanente and funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, are particularly interesting because they're some of the only ones to date that actually measured EMF exposure in subjects using a magnetic field monitoring device.

"We took [913 pregnant women] and asked them to wear the monitor for the duration of their pregnancy. Studies right now aren't using the meters because most of them are focusing on cancer. Cancer can take 20 years to develop—you can't measure your exposure from 20 years ago, so in those cases, you just ask how much the person uses their cell phone." — reproductive epidemiologist De-Kun Li, MD, PhD, the principle investigator on both studies (one published in 2002, one published in 2017).

Any safety regulations is out of date.

Any safety data is so out of date, it is not even funny.

No standards even consider the impact to a pregnant woman, as that research didn’t exist 25 years ago.

For example, the US Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, based on an adult male and they don’t even consider a child’s developing brain. They last adjusted its woefully outdated health standards for wireless radiation a quarter-century ago, well before wireless devices became ubiquitous, heavily used appliances synonymous with modern life.

5G wireless radiation is a new beast.

Until now, most of us use the second-, third-, and fourth-generation cell phones (2G, 3G, 4G) that emit radiofrequency in the frequency range of 0.7-2.7 GHz.

Fifth-generation (5G) cell phones are anticipated to use the frequency spectrum up to 80 GHz.

That’s an astounding leap!

I hope this compilation of research and studies will help you make a more informed decision about Wifi and its use in your family.

Resources & recommendations

How Safety Standards for Cellphone Severely Neglects Human Biology

Do you know what levels of wireless radiation your phone has to emit to be considered lethal, or at least cause burns?

Sam the Military Man and Microwave Radiation

Let me tell you a story about SAM.

SAM is the specific anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) meant to represent the standard human head.

But SAM was created in 1989 and he was not made to be average.

He was made to be a representative of the very top 10 percent of army recruits in the US military.

As microwave radiation as a military weapon progressed throughout 1970s and 80s, the military wanted a model to test the effects of microwave radiation on humans that they were observing in real life. So SAM was to be the test mannequin to see how much microwave radiation a body could absorb while making a cell phone call.

SAM became the standard for the specific absorption rate (or SAR) for cellphone radiation in humans.

The Problem with SAM

But some people began to point out that testing mobile phones on a plastic dummy isn't the same as in human body.

For one, the ear of a plastic dummy is not like a human ear of cartilage -- in fact, it is highly absorbant liquid.

SAM’s head size only represents roughly 2% of the human population and 0% of children.

Furthermore, the measurement, ‘SAR’ is still only based on thermal-induced effects (i.e., heating effects) and therefore disregards numerous health hazards, such as the effects on the blood brain barrier (BBB), neurotransmitters and autophagy which have all been well documented.

How do you use your phone? Against your ear?

Where do you actually keep it when you’re out all day — against your hip bone in your pocket? Or tucked in a bra? It goes on and on…

In fact, the phones themselves violate the SAR standard!

SAM was used to test early phone models. The outcome of those early proceedings was that a person cannot absorb more than 1.6 watts of energy per kilogram of body weight.

By now phones are on the 4G of wireless technology.

We Are Not SAM

Now, meet the man whose research inspired the SAM campaign. Professor Om P. Gandhi, Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the University of Utah, taught courses on biological effects of antennas, RF and microwave electromagnetic fields for over 50 years.

A world expert on how mobile phone radiation penetrates the human brain, Prof Ghandhi was once a consultant to major cell phone companies.

In March 2012, his study was published in the journal Electromagnetic Biological Medicine, it shared how The SAR for a 10-year old is up to 153% higher than the SAR for the SAM model and MRI scans of children between 5 and 8 years of age.

He wrote:

"It was found approximately 2 times higher SAR in children compared to adults. When electrical properties are considered, a child’s head’s absorption can be over two times greater, and absorption of the skull’s bone marrow can be ten times greater than adults."

“It is a fact that humans of all sizes and ages from children to older individuals are using cell phones, and testing for compliance testing for a 220 lb., 6 feet 2 inch tall adult male underestimates the actual energy absorbed by up to a factor of two, thus releasing into the market telephones that would not pass if a proper safety compliance testing method was used.”

He realised these findings were being manipulated...and how the SAM testing standard were an abuse of the SAR ratings.

Prof Gandhi became deeply disillusioned at the unconscionable lack of industry regulation and zero liability of cell tower companies and cell phone makers on human health.  Gandhi refused to work with them any longer.

SAM and SAR Cannot Tell You How Much Radiation You Absorb

The highest SAR was set relative to the heat produced by RF radiation.

Worse, the highest SAR is set well below the level of radiation that would endanger a user’s health.

Prof Ghandi embarked on a mission with other scientists and concerned advocates to share this knowledge. This work sparked the WE ARE NOT SAM movement.

We Are Not SAM movement is not based on opinion - it's backed by thousands of scientific studies and the leading independent scientists from around the world have a lot to say about this testing dummy called SAM.

The SAR specification on a phone can only tell you the highest measurement taken for each frequency reached by the device, and not how much radiation you absorb.

So now you know, there is zero biological science behind mobile phone safety testing. You are exposing yourself regularly to harmful levels of wireless radiation every time you use a wireless device. It is now in your hands to share about this knowledge and protect yourself and your loved ones.

References and Notes:

  • https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam/

  • You can read Prof Gandhi’s paper here. Gandhi OP, Morgan LL, de Salles AA, Han YY, Herberman RB, Davis DL. Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children. Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Mar;31(1):34-51. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2011.622827. Epub 2011 Oct 14. PMID: 21999884.

  • Prof Gandhi was a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering in 1997. He was the Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Utah, from 1992 to 1999, the President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society from 1992 to 1993, the Co-Chairman of the IEEE SCC 28. IV Subcommittee on the RF Safety Standards from 1988 to 1997, and the Chairman of the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation from 1980 to 1982.

Study: Gut Microbiome Is Regulated through EMFs

Study: Gut Microbiome Is Regulated through EMFs

You probably also know about the importance of eating foods that contain pre- and pro-biotics. You may have bought probiotic supplements or done regular stints of eating loads of raw natural yogurt, kekir, kombucha or kimchi – all in the effort to try to foster the “good” bacteria.

Knowledge about the gut microbiome wasn’t a “scientific thing” until next-generation sequencing technology was developed in 2005 and the birth of metagenomics research. Researchers were then able to use the tool to observe the microbiome in lab conditions (most of the bacteria which reside in the gut are anaerobic!).