biological home design

Your Last-Minute Holiday Gift Checklist (Tox-Free!)

Running a little behind this year? But you do not want to be gifting things that inadvertently burdens your loved ones with toxins.

After some years of hunting for presents and tackling different needs, I’ve learnt some things about the materials or ingredients that go into products.

I've compiled some of my favorite last-minute gift ideas here. This list will be short and sweet to inspire you as you will likely be brimming with your own ideas after reading it.

Keeping in mind the tox-free factor also works for those on your list who “have it all”. I bet it will end up being the best gift they ever received! You can bet it will end up being one of the most thoughtful gifts that they ever received.

I try to refer to brands that are committed to toxin-free products and/or ecological lifestyles. . As always, do your own research and happy shopping!

Beeswax Candles

Candles as a holiday gift is a cosy classic that can work for anyone. Make it beeswax and phthalate-free fragrance oils and premium essential oils, so your loved one can claim the benefits of its natural air-cleaning properties, zero chemicals. These candles will not trigger allergies or irritate airways.

Beeswax candles in particular conjures up notions of craftsmanship, quality materials, and sustainable practices that are kind to our earth.

What you want:

✔ no hardeners or stabilisers

✔ beeswax

✔ phthalate-free fragrance oils

✔ premium essential oils

These items are usually very easy to find in stores, so they're great last minute gifts. Just try to stick with neutral colors to up your chances of them actually being well-loved.

These 100% beeswax candles are smokeless: Decorative Beeswax Smokeless & Unscented Candle

Bath salts

Emotional Detox Bath Soak. I received this as a gift last Christmas, and there is something truly magical about it! $35.

Stainless Steel Water Bottles

One of the earliest presents I started getting for my family were these bottles from Klean Kanteen (Stainless Steel Water Bottle). It’s clean, it’s safe, the water is only touching stainless. This is what my whole family drinks from on the go!

What you want:

✔ no exposed lead fasteners / seals

✔ food-grade quality stainless steel

✔ water only touching steel; no plastics

Cleaning supplies

Swedish Dishcloths

Reuseable, washable, and biodegradable, these make simple and fun gifts. Get them in cute patterns that your little ones will enjoy helping out in the kitchen with.

Bees Wrap– Plastic and Silicone free, reuseable beeswax food wraps. Always a great gift!

Silk night cap

For those with luscious locks, 100% organic silk goes a long way in maintaining tangle-free shiniest hair, and prevent breakage. 100% natural, unadulterated and organic. You don't have to settle for substandard materials or synthetics. The price is higher for silk; but with the right care, your silk pillowcase will last for years without losing quality.

What you want:

✔ natural and organic, certified if possible

✔ OEKO-TEX® Certified (Standard 100) to be free of chemicals

✔ no synthetic materials

Kitchen Appliances in tox-free materials

Sometimes accidents happen and we need a new blender/kettle/crock… For example, this retro tea kettle is handcrafted of pure ceramic, our tea kettle is safe, non-toxic, and never made with metals or other harmful chemicals.

HEPA Air Filters

We spend about 90% of our time indoors, where the air is up to 5 times more polluted than outdoors. HEPA Vacuum A high quality HEPA filter vacuum can be pricey; however it goes a long way for breathing sweet clean air if you are living in an area of pollution. Choose one that can filter pollutants that are 2.5 microns or less in size, that is about 30 times smaller than that of a human hair. Common types are smoke, pet dander, bacteria and viruses. It should trap Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are gases and chemicals released from paint, furniture, and the use of cleaning products.

If your loved one doesn’t have one already, this is a great gift to help them suck up dust that may have accumulated toxins.

You can find high quality air filter from Blueair.

What you want:

✔ high CADR — how well the filter can clean amounts of air

✔ low noise and high energy efficiency

✔ filter pollutants that are 2.5 microns or less in size.

I hope this low toxic gift guide has been a help, whether picking something out for a friend or as a gift to yourself. Follow along here, on Instagram. Did you find any toxin-free gifts for your loved ones?

Early to Bed - the One Thing That Calms Your Cortisol, Pain, and Stress Levels

Are you stressed, overweight, and health issues creeping up faster than you thought it would?

You’ve tried a hundred diets and supplement pills. You’ve tried to increase exercise. You turn to pills and drugs to keep energy up, the weight off, and anything to help you get a handle on life again. You don’t know what else to do, and the chronic daily stress weighing you down mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Your stress levels is high because you’re permanently on a cortisol high.

When you’ve slept well, it is easier to deal anything when you wake up. Stress and unpleasant situations can wear you down even harder if you’re still fatigued after a poor night’s sleep. 

But it’s not just the quality and duration of sleep that affect cortisol levels. What time you go to bed and wake up also plays a role. Research shows that people who work night shifts and sleep during the day are more likely to have elevated cortisol levels.

Shift work under the age of 40 is associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) and higher cortisol levels.

 Cortisol Is More than a Stress Hormone

Cortisol is known as a hormone released in response to stress. But it plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle, having to work in tandem with other hormones like melatonin. It also regulates metabolism, reducing inflammation, and controlling blood sugar levels.

Cortisol can be elevated due to lack of sleep, especially in the evening after a lack of sleep. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is responsible for producing cortisol. 

When a threat to the body appears, the hypothalamus, a part of your brain, synthesizes special substances that are sent to the pituitary epididymis. That in turns turn, sends a signal to the adrenal glands. In response, the adrenal cortex releases cortisol, some of which again enters the brain, affecting the thinking process. This relationship between the brain and the kidneys is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or the HPA for short.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is also responsible for regulating sleep cycles. Stress, illness, or poor nutrition can activate the axis. Subsequently, this can worsen your sleep and increase cortisol.

If You’re Sleeping Late, You’re Living a like a Shift-Worker

The thing is, you’re living like a shift-worker even if you think leading a normal day-night lifestyle. You’re ruining your HPA response just by staying up late, and creating a wired-up stress response for yourself the next day.

If you keep the night owl life, you’re creating a higher stress level than you actually could have.

How can you change your nighttime habits to actually get to sleep earlier?

Sleep hygiene is one of the deciding factors in its quality. Try to create an environment in which the amount of noise and light is minimal. This will help blackout curtains, eye masks, earplugs.


Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Earlier if You Want to Calm Your Cortisol Levels:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time.

    Keep consistent. You’re trying to reset hormones and keep a more productive, calm balance of hormones, rather than live in hormonal hell.

  • Sleep hygiene is one of the deciding factors in its quality.

    Create an environment in which the amount of noise and light is minimal. This will help blackout curtains, eye masks, earplugs.

  • Wash bedding and sleepwear regularly.

    Fresh clean laundry helps the body to relax. Anything that helps you relax is a friend. Keep it non-toxic.

  • Put away devices that emit blue light (TV, phone, tablet) 2-3 hours before bed.

    Blue light jacks up cortisol.

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks in the afternoon.

    Caffeine’s half-life, is anywhere from 2 to 12 hours, depending on your body.

  • Avoid excessive strength and cardio activities two hours before bed.

    Avoid anything overly mentalling stimulating before bed. This means cutting out most news because they’re primed to grab attention and proke a reaction.

  • Try a grounding sheet.

    In this study, researchers found grounding the human body to earth (“earthing”) during sleep reduced cortisol levels at night and even re-synced cortisol levels with the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm profile.

Biological Implications of Circadian Disruption By Dr. Laura Fonken (Book)

If you know anyone working shift work or living erratic schedules, you need to read this book.

Dr Laura Fonken has been studying the impact of circadian rhythms on health for over a decade now. She wrote her PhD on how circadian rhythms can make you gain weight, increase inflammation, develop diabetes.

She even showed how artificial light environments such as in a hospital environment hindered healing after surgery. published over sixty academic papers and reviews, twenty of which are focused on circadian regulation of physiology and behavior. You can cheeck out some of them on this blog.

She's published her research thus far in a book. This is an epic read into how our lives have dramatically shifted since the 19th century and the advent of artificial light.

You'll learn how shift workers and others exposed to high levels of light at night are at increased risk of health problems, including metabolic syndrome, depression, sleep disorders, dementia, heart disease, and cancer.

All life on earth evolved under a consistent cycle of light and darkness caused by the earth's rotation around its axis. It's given us our 24-hour circadian system in organisms, ranging all the way from fungi to humans. With the advent of electric light in the 19th century, cycles of light and darkness have drastically changed.

Check out the book here: Fonken, L.K. and Nelson, R.J. (2023). Biological Implications of Circadian Disruption: A Modern Health Challenge. 9781009076685. Cambridge University Press.

What You Should Know about Wireless Radiation: Health Impacts on Babies and Children

Wireless radiation is just one form of electromagnetic fields (or EMFs).

These are invisible waves of energy emitted by electronic devices like WiFi routers, cell phones, and baby monitors.

You can’t see them, but these EMFs are how your iPad and all mobile devices connects to the cell tower.

You cannot sense these as with other pollution such as smog, noise pollution, but your body is definitely sensitive to these fields.

Children are uniquely vulnerable to wireless radiation.

Children are more vulnerable to wireless radiation and cell phone radiation because they have smaller heads, they have thinner skulls, and they have developing brains. Research shows that children absorb higher levels of wireless radiation.

Wherever you are using your wireless device, this radiation is being absorbed into your body, quite intensely, whenever it’s nearby. So, if it’s in your head, you’re going to get high levels of absorption of the non-ionizing radiation into your head and brain. If it’s near the abdomen and you’re pregnant, your body will receive that radiation as will your developing baby.

Wireless radiation is linked to a wide range of symptoms.

Before it even becomes an acute disease, Some studies of people living near cell towers have also confirmed an array of health complaints, including dizziness, nausea, headaches, tinnitus and insomnia, from people identified as having "electromagnetic hypersensitivity."

Wireless radiation is considered a carcinogen.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the World Health Organization, cited troubling but uncertain evidence in classifying wireless radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

In 2018, a study by the federal government that was nearly two decades in the making found “clear evidence” that cellphone radiation caused cancer in lab animals. A major study in Italy produced similar results.

The main reason for this new classification was its linked to gliomas.

Cellphone radiation was classified a “possible carcinogen” in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, a conclusion based on human epidemiological studies that found an increased risk of glioma, a malignant brain cancer, associated with cellphone use.

Gliomas are the most common CNS tumors in children and adolescents; it is usually a fast-growing cancer that affects your child's brain or spinal cord.

Leukaemia and brain cancer are BOTH among the top five most common childhood cancers in most countries that track such statistics, from Singapore, Malaysia in the tropics to the UK, across Europe.

In fact, leukaemia and brain cancer account for more than half of all childhood cancers. Check out the population statistics in countries such as the UK, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia. By contrast, these cancers are rare in adults.

While these childhood cancers are rare and have high overall survival, it remains the first cause of death from

disease in children and adolescents. Can you imagine what the leading factor to such cancers are?

They’ve been concerned for a long time.

“They” being the many official institutions. For example, before the WHO’s 2011 official declaration, between 2008 and 2011, the European Union Parliament and the Council of Europe passed multiple resolutions against the “early, ill-considered, and prolonged use of mobiles and other devices emitting microwaves.”

The European parliaments’ advice for an exposure level was called A.L.A.R.A. (as low as reasonably achievable). (How low is still up to you to achieve as there are no standard regulations.)

Many medical associations in North America and Europe have also issued public statements to warn about the serious health risks associated with using wireless devices. Among them, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine wrote:

Wireless radiation is linked to autism and spectrum disorders.

A majority of studies that have looked at something called oxidative stress have found an effect. Now oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and more inflammation can lead to a lot of other health implications.

Dr. Martha Herbert documented in her publications, looking at autism and ADHD, there is inflammation in the brain. With electromagnetic fields, there are studies showing inflammation as well.

Many clinicians, doctors, and health professionals have found reducing electromagnetic fields can help with kids who have behavioral problems or have autism and other health issues. It’s been a way to impact or reduce electromagnetic fields that can support the child’s resilience.

Wireless radiation can cause behavioural problems in children.

If you are pregnant and exposed to cellphone radiation, your baby could be born susceptible to behavioural issues. A Yale study in 2012 found hyperactivity and reduced memory in mice exposed to cellphone radiation in the womb, consistent with human epidemiological research showing a rise in behavioral disorders among children who were exposed to cellphones in the womb.

The researchers exposed the pregnant mice to radiation from a muted and silenced cell phone positioned above the cage and placed on an active phone call for the duration of the trial. A control group of mice was kept under the same conditions but with the phone deactivated (such as being on “airplane mode”).

After the mice were born, researchers conducted psychological and behavioral tests, as well as measured their brain electrical activity.

“We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb. The evidence is really, really strong now that there is a causal relationship between cellphone radiation exposure and behavior issues in children. — Dr. Hugh Taylor, the author of the mouse study and chair of the obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences department at the Yale School of Medicine”

Concerned scientists are advocating for education around possible harms of wireless tech and how it should be used with care around children.

The BabySafe Project was conceived jointly by Dr. Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust and Patti and Doug Wood of Grassroots Environmental Education after attending a conference in Stonington, Connecticut — it was where Dr. Hugh Taylor of Yale School of Medicine presented the results of his important study on fetal exposures to cell phone radiation.

Your child may already be suffering from EMF

A case in Canada saw three young children with an environmental intolerance, medically known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). They regularly suffered with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, concentration and memory problems, anxiety, abdominal pain, nosebleeds, ringing in the ears, and more. These symptoms were otherwise unexplainable.

In May of 2012, to accommodate children with EHS and to provide choice for parents who want to heed health warnings to reduce exposure for children who are most vulnerable, the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) called for a moratorium on Wi-Fi in schools.

EMFs health impacts begin pre-conception.

Higher levels of exposure could reduce sperm quality in men and increase miscarriage risk in women. The two miscarriage studies, conducted by Kaiser Permanente and funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, are particularly interesting because they're some of the only ones to date that actually measured EMF exposure in subjects using a magnetic field monitoring device.

"We took [913 pregnant women] and asked them to wear the monitor for the duration of their pregnancy. Studies right now aren't using the meters because most of them are focusing on cancer. Cancer can take 20 years to develop—you can't measure your exposure from 20 years ago, so in those cases, you just ask how much the person uses their cell phone." — reproductive epidemiologist De-Kun Li, MD, PhD, the principle investigator on both studies (one published in 2002, one published in 2017).

Any safety regulations is out of date.

Any safety data is so out of date, it is not even funny.

No standards even consider the impact to a pregnant woman, as that research didn’t exist 25 years ago.

For example, the US Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, based on an adult male and they don’t even consider a child’s developing brain. They last adjusted its woefully outdated health standards for wireless radiation a quarter-century ago, well before wireless devices became ubiquitous, heavily used appliances synonymous with modern life.

5G wireless radiation is a new beast.

Until now, most of us use the second-, third-, and fourth-generation cell phones (2G, 3G, 4G) that emit radiofrequency in the frequency range of 0.7-2.7 GHz.

Fifth-generation (5G) cell phones are anticipated to use the frequency spectrum up to 80 GHz.

That’s an astounding leap!

I hope this compilation of research and studies will help you make a more informed decision about Wifi and its use in your family.

Resources & recommendations

Lifestyle Tip for a Calm Home - Natural Movement

In the list of to-dos for a good home, we don’t often consider whether it gets us moving.

We think of home as a place to cosy into and curl up in, in chairs, armoirs, and beds.

For good reason, as we want our home space to be safe and predictable, protected from any intruders, from dangerous animals to bugs and bosses…

But — Many everyday common furniture and interior design can sabotage our need to move. Create a home that embraces natural movement options to avoid installing an overly sedentary space that impedes and discourages us from moving our bodies.

Why you want to move, naturally

Stress is a baseline starting point for a lot of mental and emotional dysregulation. And movement is a way that the body releases the build up of stress.

Being able to move and stretch in positive ways is a release for the nervous system. You are literally letting go stress, trauma, and anything your body would prefer to not hold on to.

This is why daily walks outdoors are so powerful for health; they’re a way to shake off nervous energy, even if your walks are in the city (i.e., you’re not getting to fully ground in Nature).

A home space that affords complex and adaptable movement patterns help maintain a clarity and restful state for the mind. This feeling of competence, peace, and grace permeates the home.

(In fact, I believe a successful home is one that facilitates you going out with confidence into the wider world and connecting with Nature and with people in your community—both core principles in building biology.)

What is natural movement?

Natural human movement is all about being able to move well in everyday life and in all the activities and sports you love to do. It’s about moving your body with ease in a wide variety of ways that are applicable to the real world.

The MovNat movement became popular in response to the regimented exercises that seem to characterise modern lifestyles. The best thing: anyone can gain from improving their movement, from elite athletes to those quite out of shape. You don’t have to be fit to move, you have to move to be fit.

When you reconnect with your body’s natural movement abilities – everything from getting out of bed to moving furniture, to playing with your children will feel different. You will be astonished how your body responds to practicing its natural movements.

The seven primary movement patterns are squat, lunge, push, pull, press, twist, and gait (walking, running, and sprinting). Some professionals may list “hinge” as a primary movement pattern and leave “press” (as in, overhead press) off the list.

The problem with four walls—cabin fever

Modern lifestyle comforts such as soft sofas and big fluffy pillows may have been designed with good intentions. However, they’ve diminished the necessity for us to maintain natural postures and, in turn, move naturally.

#1: natural movement improves mood and better body

hhawareness, alignment, muscle recruitment, and mobility. It can also reduce the stress placed on joints, release and strengthen connective tissue, and form part of a holistic pain management solution.

#2: Natural Movement Is Crucial Especially in Your Child’s First Three Years

Growing up is intensely physical during the early years, and babies are learning to use the entirety of their bodies. Every time your baby swings her arms, kicks her legs, or turns her head, she is discovering how different parts of her body work.

The more your little one develops their large muscles through reaching, rolling, pushing, sitting, crawling, climbing, and walking, the better their later development of small muscle movements like holding a spoon, turning a doorknob, or using a crayon.

Some common items for the 0-3 years old include driving instead of walking and the use of “bouncy seats” and “exersaucers,” in which babies sit in one position to play instead of moving their whole bodies freely.

#2: Natural movement helps cchildren learn better

Children acquire knowledge by acting and then reflecting on their experiences. Children learn through experience, in which children acquire knowledge by doing and via reflection on their experiences, is full of movement, imagination, and self-directed play.

If your kids are in school, they’re likely spending the bulk of their time in a passive learning environment. A study from the University of Virginia found that, compared to just a few decades ago in 1998, children today are spending far less time on self-directed learning—moving freely and doing activities that they themselves chose—and measurably more time in a passive learning environment.

#3: Natural movement can predict your lifespan

How fast can you get in and out of a chair? Do you need extra assistance, such as getting up on their knees or using two hands? Many studies are showing that, away from complicated diets and routines, health can be more accurately defined — and longevity predicted — by very simple health parameters, such as muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition.

The study found a simple two-minute test could predict the level of overall fitness in middle age that earmarks those likely to enjoy a longer life.

Researchers said the ease with which someone could stand up from a sitting position on the floor – and vice versa – was linked to a reduced risk of dying early.

“If a middle-aged or older man or woman can sit and rise from the floor using just one hand – or even better without the help of a hand – they are not only in the higher quartile of musculo-skeletal fitness but their survival prognosis is probably better than that of those unable to do so.” —Dr Claudio Gil Araújo, who carried out the study with colleagues at the Clinimex-Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio de Janeiro

#3: Natural movement can is Connected with a Confident Sense of Self

Along the same lines of thought, in 1926, strong man and physical culture enthusiast Earle Liederman wrote a book called Endurance. So while Liederman did “not believe in everyone striving to be a long distance swimmer, a long distance runner, or any kind of endurance athlete,” we felt we ought to be able to move.

In it, Liederman makes the case for developing all-around strength and fitness as a way of not only preserving one’s health in the everyday sense of extending longevity, but protecting it under extraordinary and acutely threatening circumstances. 

He wrote, bluntly:

If he is of the fat, porpoise type, naturally he cannot do all, if any, of these things; he has nobody to blame but himself, and his way of living that has brought his body into its condition of obesity.

Unfortunately, the homes we built impede the thinhs that we can actually do. The panacea is to create a home space that enables you to move the way your body craves.

#3: Natural movement can is Connected with a Confident Sense of Self

Dr. Peter Levine developed somatic experiencing as a body-based therapy to process and release trauma. In his book “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” Levine notes that animals can be observed shaking to release tension and stress. You might’ve seen a dog do this.

So maybe you’re thinking you’re not “traumatised” and you don’t need this therapy. However, most of us have a higher than optimal background level of stress, in part due to unnatural and stressful lifestyles.

Being able to move and jive as you please helps to release muscular tension, burn excess adrenaline, and calm the nervous system to its neutral state, thereby managing stress levels in the body.

It is easy to see this at play (no pun intended) with children. Getting to roughhouse (respectfully) is one way to have fun together, and it’s easy to see how anxious energy dissipates and connection happens with physical play.

It seems to loosen everybody up beyond just old bones or fidget young bums.

When you become a new parent, your usual routines get tossed to the wayside. Even if you can chug along well enough, neglecting self-care that include a good diet of physical activity is a fast track to depletion and stress building up…in yourself and at home.

Rather than piling on the guilt factor for not making it outdoors enough to a gym or even just a walk, I believe it is more effective to make space that actually encourage quality natural movement.

Create a calm, resilient home with natural movement

It is hard to keep up exclusively-yours exercise routines at exclusive places such as gyms. However, being mom or dad and making a home does not have to be sedentary, and I have learnt to expand my definition of movement to address how we can work with interior design and the flow of household chores and tasks.

Here are some ways to make space to move naturally around the house:

  • Vary seating around the house. We love cosy seats, love seats, armchairs, sofas, and beds. Also consider benches and seating that come in various tactile surfaces.

  • Ditch seating around the house. Identify the chairs and seats that you don’t like. Take the chance to clear out common “baby containers” such as bouncy strollers, etc.

  • Uncluttered areas where you can get on the floor. This allows your parasympathetic system to kick in as your breathing slows down.

  • Uncluttered areas and tasks where you get practise the “sit-to-stand” exercise. Laundry, getting on the floor to play “wrestling” with your kids, or just having your laptop space close to the ground are great opportunities every day to practise.

  • Create a safe area where your child can hang out “reigns free”. It’s a vital spot that can serve a few purposes: your child can move as he/she wishes, spinning in a circle, jumping in and out of a makeshift rocket ship out of a discarded box, turning Lego into a high-jump routine… And your own amusement as you may carry on your tasks un-jostled with entertainment.

  • Create a pebble tray or a foot reflexology path.

  • Create a movement sacred spot. Have fun with this and make it a place for your movement goals that you always wanted. It may be a special yoga mat to practice flow movements, a pull-up bar to regain your 100-pull-up dominance, or a rebounder.

Does your home help or hinder how you move around the house? How does your body feel at home, even if you don’t get a chance to get out of doors? Let’s make space for natural movement — for a home that feels at ease.

If you are craving a calm home, check out this post on another lifestyle tip that impacts the calm of your home.


  • Amazon link to the book.

  • Amazon link to Dr Peter Gray’s book book “Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life.”

The Scary Truth about Heavy Metals in Your Home

From clearing space for a calm and clean home for baby, to breastfeeding, to baby’s first foods, we want to give our babies the very best environment in a home that we want to make both beautiful and cosy for family life.

That’s why it’s so shocking to know that many of the common household items can be toxic with the most egregious of all neurotoxins—heavy metals.

Many of us think that toxic heavy metals are only a problem of old homes or old products, but the truth is that toxic heavy metals are commonly used even in materials today

These elements are substances that can be toxic in very low concentrations.

Here are five common heavy metals that you may not know is in your home furnishings, decor, as well as common everyday items.


First, let’s get the brief on toxic heavy metals that we may not hear often about compared to more media-hogging headlines like PFAS and plastics.

You can experience heavy metal poisoning symptoms acutely or due to a chronic exposure and build up of toxic heavy metals.

Common SYMPTOMS of heavy metal poisoning

  • Brain fog—having trouble focusing on things you were previously good at or having a poor memory.

  • Fatigue—both acute and chronic, which also contributes to “brain fog.”

  • Numbness, tingling, and paralysis in your arms and legs. Heavy metals affect the nervous system disorders.

  • Chronic mental health problems. Including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Toxic metals disrupt the metabolic function in the body.  First, they can accumulate and build up within the body, which disrupts the function of vital organs and glands (such as the heart, brain, kidneys, bone or liver). 

The second way they disrupt is that they replace the vital nutritional minerals we have in our bodies, which in turn hinders their biological function.  (source)

Our bodies cannot usually detox heavy metals easily (hence the term “heavy”). Even if you’re being exposed at low levels over time, there can be high levels of heavy metal toxins in your body as your body just CANNOT get rid of it fast enough.

Heavy metal poisoning is insidious, because at low and chronic levels, you may not even notice your changes. In healthy people, the concentration of free metal ions is usually very low.

But now we know the implications of heavy metals crossing the blood-brain barrier, in severe neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Huntington’s disease (HD), among others


Arsenic can cause various cancers and harms the developing brain and nervous system. In fact, one study found drinking water with arsenic at half the allowable limit still caused IQ loss.

Arsenic was most prevalent in these household items:

  • Wallpaper. Arsenic was commonly used in the dyes for the fabric.

  • Non-aniline free Leather.

  • Vintage baby carriages. Arsenic was commonly used in the dyes for the fabric.

  • Beauty products.


This toxin is linked with brain damage, learning disabilities, cancer, and kidney, bone, and heart damage. It can also cause various types of cancer, including breast, lung, prostate, nasopharynx, pancreas, and kidney cancers. What’s more, scientists now know that this damage happens even at levels previously deemed safe by the medical community. (source)

Cadmium was most commonly found at home in:

  • Cigarette smoke. The tobacco plant takes up cadmium avidly from the environment.

  • Metal work. These release micro particles into the air from work, such as plating, soldering, and welding.

  • House paint as a colour stabiliser.

  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride) flooring, and;

  • PVC leather / faux leather / “leatherette” furniture. All PVC plastics are notorious for their extensive use of multiple hazardous heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and tin as stabilizers.

  • Contaminated water.

  • Beauty products.


There is no safe level for lead; any amount of lead is toxic to humans, and especially babies. Lead exposure is linked with ADD, behavioral issues, and problems in school.

Lead is most commonly found:

  • Paint, including those used for Stairs, railings, banisters, and porches. Most countries still do not regulate or ban the use of lead in paint.

  • Older homes built before 1978 (in the USA).

  • Renovation work dust. Repair works often involve sanding or scraping paint on the inside and outside of homes that spread lead dust throughout the home.

  • Wood stain varnishes.

  • Porcelain paint on sinks. Old barn style kitchen sinks with old peeling porcelain.

  • Contaminated Soil, yards and playgrounds. Lead can chip from surrounding buildings and contaminate the area.

  • Air pollution from leaded gasoline in cars.

  • Artificial turf and playground surfaces made from shredded rubber. These artificial turf made of nylon or nylon/polyethylene blend fibers can contain lead.

  • Toys. Especially older toys or if it made outside of the EU, where lead for toys is banned.

  • Jewelry. Lead is added to make the product heavier, brighten colors, and stabilize or soften plastic.

  • Plastics, such as plastic toys. Lead is used to soften plastic and to make it more flexible so that it can go back to its original shape.

  • Brass faucets may contain lead.

  • Antiques. Lead was pervasively used in the making of items such as Dishware, Painted tin panels, Lead crystal pieces, Ceramic items, Silverware. Jewelry.

  • Scuba weights. Some people use these to hold down the filter lines in the family's swimming pool, and their children accidentally, and regularly, swallowing lead-contaminated water


This well-established neurotoxin lowers IQ and is known to cause brain damage, disrupt development and learning, and may contribute to cancer. Mercury also damages the nervous system, kidneys, and digestive system. (source)

Mercury is most commonly found:

  • Fluorescent lightbulbs. These include all linear, U-tube and circline fluorescent tubes, Bug zappers, tanning bulbs, Black lights, Germicidal bulbs, Cold-cathode fluorescent bulbs

  • Mercury short-arc bulbs.

  • Fever thermometers that contain metallic mercury.

  • Novelty jewelry, such as a glass pendant that contains mercury.

  • Dental metal amalgams. It is made up of approximately 40-50% mercury, 25% silver, and 25-35% blend of copper, zinc and tin.

  • Injections and vaccines. These may contain ethylmercury-containing compounds and Thimerosal that readily cross the blood-brain barrier, and convert to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds. These have been found in studies to significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of concurrent detectable blood mercury levels.


  • Legacy and Emerging Plasticizers and Stabilizers in PVC Floorings and Implications for Recycling. Helene Wiesinger, Christophe Bleuler, Verena Christen, Philippe Favreau, Stefanie Hellweg, Miriam Langer, Roxane Pasquettaz, Andreas Schönborn, and Zhanyun Wang. Environmental Science & Technology 2024 58 (4), 1894-1907. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c04851.

  • Check out this interesting article on how and why arsenic found its way into wallpaper, bread, and baby carriages in Victorian times.