Study: Early life circadian rhythm disruption in mice alters brain and behavior in adulthood

Health begins with the light you live in. The AM light is a powerful opportunity to reset your circadian rhythms, that govern all of your body’s biological processes.

This is especially crucial during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, when development is at a sensitive stage.

Anyone can tell you it is also a stage when time flies and space just seems a perpetual chaos!

The study

Beginning on the day of birth, female mice and their litters were exposed to either a regular light-dark cycle or a disrupting light-dark cycle where dark onset was brought forward by 8 hours every second day.

Early circadian rhythm disturbances on adult spatial learning, working memory, and anxiety

The 12 mice were assessed using the Elevated Plus Maze. The disrupted animals had significantly less entries into the open arms than did the undisrupted control group. In other words, the diminished exploratory behavior is consistent with higher anxiety-like behavior in the disrupted animals.

Also, the disrupted animals spent significantly less time in the exposed arms (8.1 ± 11.0 s) compared to the controls.

The same mice were then assessed using Morris Water Maze. The disrupted animals took significantly more time to reach the platform compared to controls.

The researchers also examined neuronal complexity in the areas of the brain hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala, respectively.

Circadian disruption during the last trimester and extending to the preschool years

The first 3 weeks postnatal in mice are comparable to a relatively wide developmental period in humans.

Postnatal days 1–10 exhibit developmental stages that correspond to the last trimester of pregnancy in humans, while brain development events in mice at postnatal days 20–21 are roughly equivalent to human brain development events observed at 2–3 years of age in children50.

This suggests that circadian disruption during the last trimester and extending to the preschool years could still have an impact on brain development. Indeed, poor sleep at 2 years of age is associated with less gray matter at 7 years of age14.

Additionally, poor sleep at 6–12 months of age17, or at 2 years of age18,19 were both predictive of delayed social-emotional development in children.

Why this is important for every mother and child

This study adds to the growing body of research we know about how circadian rhythms, including uneven sleep patterns, can affect health.

Other studies find similar effects in hyperactivity and increased anxiety.

Aside from socioeconomic status and other environmental stressors, one area that is consistently adversely impacted in these cases is the quality of sleep.

While in utero disruption led to more severe impairments in adulthood, significant deficits were still observed when circadian disruption was restricted to the postnatal period, such as was observed in the mouse study.

Infancy and childhood are critical periods for the growth and development of brain and behaviour. Adversity during this period can have profound implications for how the child develops, leading to deficits later in life such as increase rates of psychopathology.

If you are doing shift work, this could impact the circadian health of the child as well.

Sleep is a premium for any mom during pregnancy and in the precious post partum months with a newborn. Prioritising a regular, quality sleep routine is a crucial part of ensuring a healthy baby and his or her brain development, with implications far beyond just what we think we would observe.

Link to study:

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EMFs and Babies: Why You Need to Protect Your Child

Babies born today are exposed to EMFs from cellphones from the moment they’re conceived probably until the day they die.

Whether children are vulnerable to RF has been debated for the last 20 years, when children were widely exposed to mobile phones. And in everyday life, children are increasingly exposed to indoor and outdoor EMF.

As parents, we know interference with a child’s development at a fragile stage is probably unwise. We have the power to be responsible for our children’s health.

My personal opinion is to not let wireless devices around children, especially if they are below five years of age.

Given its detrimental effects on a child’s developing nervous system, some go as far as to say Mobile phones, tablets, and computer screens should be banned for children under six. Behavioural signs are clear; they make kids 'more irritable' and 'worsen their concentration and memory skills'.

But what about the biological and health impacts that begin long before any observable symptoms are seen?

In this article, we focus on the wireless radiation emitted by such devices and examine why they are so harmful to children.

What are artificial EMFs?

In modern societies that run on electricity, although we cannot totally escape the presence of artificial EMFs, or nnEMFs, we can take steps and adopt habits that will greatly reduce our exposure.

Artificial EMFs is known by different names:

  • Electro-smog

  • Electro-pollution

  • nnEMF (non native EMF)

  • Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

  • Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

There are different types of artificial EMFs, which can be broadly categorised into two types: EMF exposure is divided into two categories: extremely low frequencies (ELFs; 3–3,000 Hz), involving high-voltage transmission lines and in-house wiring; and radio frequencies (RFs; 30 kHz to 300 GHz), involving mobile phones, smart devices, base stations, WiFi, and 5G technologies.

The latter, Radio Frequency (RF) (RF-EMF), can also be called:

  • Wireless/WiFi/Bluetooth Radiation

  • Microwave Radiation

How much is too much?

There have been no pre-market studies, No long-term studies, No opportunity for an individual to opt-out of this technology, and It's everywhere.

We know children are most vulnerable to its effects.

Wireless radiation and 5G

The increased use of radiofrequency (RF) fields above 6 GHz, particularly for the 5 G mobile phone network, has given rise to public concern about any possible adverse effects to human health

Notably, wireless radiation, or pulsed EMFs, is increasing at an exponential rate as many countries speed towards 5G adoption for an Internet of Things-type society.

Such wireless radiation, are, in most cases, more active than are non-pulsed EMFs.

Artificial EMFs interfere with brain development

90% of the brain development happens in the first five years of a child’s life. Until the age of two, myelin, the fatty substance that surrounds neurons, is produced at an incredible pace . After age two, production slows but continues into adulthood. The uncompleted myelin sheaths, as well as the unprotected axons, can be easily damaged by RF-EMF. This can lead to axonal degeneration and decreased action potential speeds.

Most of the studies are animal studies on prenatal RF exposure. Prenatal exposure to 900 MHz resulted in substantial loss of granule cells [9] or a significant reduction in pyramidal neurons [10]. Mice exposed to in utero RF from cellular telephones were hyperactive and demonstrated memory impairment after birth [11]. EMFs from mobile phones changed the blood-brain barrier’s permeability and damaged neurons in the brains of exposed rats [12-14].

If you expose them to wireless pulsed nnEMF even before their brain has fully formed, this could reduce their cognitive potential. The more RF-EMF that is absorbed by the brain in a child, the more exposed the neurons

can become as demyelination progresses.

Image from: Moon JH. Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children. Clin Exp Pediatr. 2020 Nov;63(11):422-428. doi: 10.3345/cep.2019.01494. Epub 2020 May 26. PMID: 32683815; PMCID: PMC7642138.

Children are more vulnerable to EMFs

The nervous systems of children are more vulnerable to the effects of electromagnetic waves than adults. The developing nervous system is more conductive and absorbs more electromagnetic energies than those of adults [4].

The younger the brain is, the more damage from the nnEMF. Children do not have a fully developed myelin sheath—a layer of fat that protects the brain.

The conductivity of children is higher due to higher moisture and ionic content than adults

Their bodies are more likely to become an antenna for these wireless EMFs.

Children have thinner skulls

The skull thickness of adults is approximately 2 mm. However, the skull thickness of a 5-year-old child is approximately 0.5 mm and 1 mm in 10 years [39]. Therefore, radiation penetration is larger in children than in adults [39,40].

As a child’s head diameter is smaller, the energy-absorbing “hot spots,” the most sensitive parts of RF, are more pronounced [41]. Your child brain absorbs more radio frequencies than yours, whether from Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellphone, Dish TV, Smart meters...

Children will likely have a higher cumulative exposure

EMF effects are often cumulative; and EMFs may impact young people more than adults.[3]

In 2000, the “Stewart report” by the UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones declared that children may be more vulnerable to EMF than any other age groups [4,36]. They stated that “children are exposed to electromagnetic waves over a longer life time than adults and their nervous systems are in the process of development. As the conductivity of the children is higher due to higher moisture and ionic content than adults, and more than adults, children’s head absorbs a lot of RF energy” (Fig 3) [4].

Exposed in utero

In today’s world, most children are exposed to various manmade electromagnetic fields. Not only so in the womb, babies are born into environments swimming in electrosmog.

Common home sources are: extremely low-frequency EMFs are generated by electricity, various home appliances, in-house wiring, and outside high-voltage lines. Radio frequency EMFs waves are generated by mobile phones, smart devices, WiFi, base stations, and other devices.

Did you know? More EMFs are absorbed with the use of appliances that are close to the body (e.g., hair dryers, bidets, massagers, and electric blankets). The general recommendation is that electrical appliances should be used at least 30 cm away from the body.

A recognised carcinogen

The WHO maintains that “more evidence” is required to assess if children were more vulnerable to EMF because very few studies assessed this topic [29]. At the same time, the WHO recommends general measures such as reducing personal EMF exposure. They also recommend minimizing EMF exposure in schools, kindergartens, and any locations where children remain for a substantial part of the day.

Use the cautionary principle for our children

Children are more vulnerable to the effects of electromagnetic waves than those of adults.

While debate continues around the effects of EMFs on children’s health, precautionary principles should be followed for children and the exposure to EMFs among children should be minimized.

resources & references

[3] Pall ML. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. Environ Res. 2018 Jul;164:405-416. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.035. Epub 2018 Mar 21. PMID: 29573716.

4. Stewart W. Mobile phones and health, report of independent expert group on mobile phones. Chilton (UK): IEGMP Secretariat; 2000. [Google Scholar] [Ref list]

Jin-Hwa Moon. Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children.

39. Warille AA, Onger ME, Turkmen AP, Deniz ÖG, Altun G, Yurt KK, et al. Controversies on electromagnetic field exposure and the nervous systems of children. Histol Histopathol. 2016;31:461–8.[PubMed] [Google Scholar]

40. Wiart J, Hadjem A, Gadi N, Bloch I, Wong MF, Pradier A, et al. Modeling of RF head exposure in children. Bioelectromagnetics. 2005;Suppl 7:S19–30.[PubMed] [Google Scholar]

39. Warille AA, Onger ME, Turkmen AP, Deniz ÖG, Altun G, Yurt KK, et al. Controversies on electromagnetic field exposure and the nervous systems of children. Histol Histopathol. 2016;31:461–8.[PubMed] [Google Scholar]

40. Wiart J, Hadjem A, Gadi N, Bloch I, Wong MF, Pradier A, et al. Modeling of RF head exposure in children. Bioelectromagnetics. 2005;Suppl 7:S19–30.[PubMed] [Google Scholar]

41. Kritikos HN, Schwan HP. Hot spots generated in conducting spheres by electromagnetic waves and biological implications. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1972;19:53–8. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Must-Watch Documentaries And Videos To Safeguard Your Health (EMFs)

Must-Watch Documentaries And Videos To Safeguard Your Health (EMFs)

Knowledge is power. Embarking on a toxin-free life can be an overwhelming and transformative experience. To help navigate this road, I have found in-depth documentaries to be particularly helpful to understand how these pollutants affect us, including: Documentary films, EMF Health and Safety videos, and EMF related eBooks. 

Easy ways to enliven a space: Practical ideas from IKEA

Life can be hectic, and your interior space should be a sanctuary providing a calm environment so that you can rest, recharge and be ready to do what you need to do. Whether it is a work space, bedroom, or a play area for children, an indoor space should prioritise elements that can help one renew and recharge, instead of depleting or distracting you. 

Building Biology principles guide how we can make healthy interior spaces. This article highlights principles from Building Biology that you can apply easily to help enliven a space. I also share examples from IKEA that show how this can be in very easy and practical ways.

Being a mother, I love my strolls with the children, and I also love my indoor strolls through IKEA (or any interior-ware store). Their many room ideas are great for inspiration.

Why choose a calm environment? 

Calm isn’t a trend or a style. Any design can be calming, and any design, done badly, can be chaotic instead. 

Common factors of calm spaces may be material and visual. They share these common principles that are important for biological health:

(1) Balanced natural light and illumination

(2) Access to a view and/or perspective free of pollutants, with access to fresh natural elements

(3) Similarly, a connection to Nature, with access to fresh air, sunshine, and nature

(4) Natural and unadulterated furnishings and materials

Part of a calm environment is knowing your items and furniture are working to help you create, instead of taking up space. Another reason why IKEA is popular is how they try to have their products pull double-duty and be highly functional.

IKEA products are usually well-made, so you add a sense of proportion and order to your space, if placed well. Here are some options so easily found at the nearest IKEA for calm, enlivening space.


The easiest way to enliven a space to include Nature or parts of it directly, in appropriate areas.

We are a part of Nature, and proximity to friendly plants help improve concentration and creativity. Plants are a natural option to calm and enliven a space as they are living things that offer air exchange, trap dust and toxins, and release oxygen into the air. If you are unsure of a green thumb, try plants that are low maintenance such as snake plants or money plants that do not add too much to an already humid environment (like ours in the tropics). Or cut flowers, stems help add connection to Nature. 

Natural materials, such as seagrass 

Natural materials can seem like a cliche or an obvious choice. But not considering its impact (whether it can be a focal point in a space) is a common mistake, as a lack of natural material, even if only perceived, can be uncomfortable to the body for extended periods.

Elements that are representative of Nature also help breathe a sense of fresh air into a space. Materials such as seagrass, wood, and ceramic add an organic feel. The natural roundness and soft textures in seagrass help balance the hard lines and flat surfaces that often make up indoor spaces. 

Seagrass also evokes the senses of touch and smell, that is calming to our nervous system. 

IKEA has had stunning ranges on seagrass the last few seasons. This is a plant growing naturally in South-East Asian coastal areas, so I’m always excited to see how IKEA re-imagines the simple material in various ways for different functions. 


Calm lighting is also crucial for enjoying a calm space. Ideally, you have full-spectrum natural lightning from the Sun, rather than relying on artificial light even during daylight hours. This ensures basic health, and that your circadian rhythm can be in sync with natural day-night cycles, which is crucial for optimal performance and wellbeing.

Lighting affects our circadian rhythm, which governs every function in our body. LED lighting is probably the most problematic thing indoors in recent years. LEDs are extremely problematic sources of light indoors, as their light is distorted . You want your light indoors to work with your circadian rhythm, not against it.

You want to choose lighting very carefully. IKEA only sells LED lights, so if we do buy those, select its placement and daily use thoughtfully. It pays off in in alertness, jet lag, performance (especially if you are an athlete or a shift worker), twilight, seasonality, skin response, photoreception, and more.

At the least, I would not choose open-style bulbs. Lampshades help diffuse the glare and flicker. The Molnart bulb from IKEA tries to augment this in a warmer LED and double smoke-colored glass. From their website:

This LED light bulb spreads the same warm light as a traditional 14W light bulb – without flickering or emitting any sound. This particular light bulb emits the same warm glow as candlelight (1,800 Kelvin).

Your view of the outdoors

The view you have is another essential consideration for a calm space.

A view of the outdoors offer a perspective to Nature, or the world at large. The broader range and distance are very calming for the eyes, and help avoid myopia.

Window curtains in 100% natural materials allow this light to filter into a room while reducing harsh tropical heat. The all- linen or cotton options from IKEA are a beautiful way to frame your view of the outdoors. 

A last thing...Decluttering (and Organising) 

Finally, good storage is an important component of any calm space.

This is probably what drives many to a store like IKEA in the first place—the relentless search to finally have an organised space. IKEA has chock loads of organisation options. And they don’t have to be plastic boxes! Their options in natural materials help add to a calm space, and dial down the internal clutter (pun intended) that can come through a space. Decluttering and organisation helps us remove items from a space that are past its use or not appropriate anymore. These include things that are degrading.

Decluttering helps clear out potential moldy items and dust collectors. Less discussed but perhaps even more important is that removing excess and worn-out items helps reduces stress and releases energy for other tasks instead.This is especially important for children and their developing brains. Your brain is continually filtering information from its environment. More about tidying in another post...

FREE Comprehensive Building Biology Checklist [8-PAGE PRINTABLE]

FREE Comprehensive Building Biology Checklist [8-PAGE PRINTABLE]

Whether you’re an athlete wanting to improve your game, a stay-at-home mother, or suffering with chronic dis-ease, you can start creating space for life, right now. Get my free checklist and begin looking at your home with Building Biology! To get checklist, just fill out the form below.