FREE Comprehensive Building Biology Checklist [8-PAGE PRINTABLE]

Building biology isn’t just a scientific assessment of the toxins in your home; it is a holistic approach to creating a safe supportive space in harmony with your natural biology.

Building biology looks at how the spaces we build affects our health. From the German term Bau-Biologie : bau meaning building and the living environment, bios meaning all forms of life, and logos implying a sense of order).

Even if you haven’t thought it of in quite these words, it is a concept that almost everyone who renovates or decorates their homes will have considered at some point.

Most people do not even realise how their indoor environment is affecting their wellbeing. Happily, there is PLENTY we can do to improve it!

This post is a DIY beginner’s guide to building biology in your own home. I’ll be covering:

  • what Building Biology is

  • why I recommend Building Biology (it is not just about throwing out the toxins at home)

  • myths you can ignore

  • steps to take before you start to DIY principles of Building Biology

  • things to keep in mind when you start

  • mistakes to avoid

  • my free Comprehensive Building Biology pdf printable planning checklist

  • Building Biology resources that have been helpful to me

Building Biology is the art and science of creating a healthy space

During the pandemic lockdowns, many people began to appreciate what they need in a space to thrive, and not merely survive.

Building Biology has an interesting history stemming from our recent post-WW2 industrialisation past. The 25 principles in Building Biology offer insight into the core building blocks that make up what we need in life: water, air, electromagnetism as well as our place in relationship and community with one another.

Why use Building Biology principles?

Building Biology uses Nature as the golden rule. That’s what makes it so special.

Where most other green / low-tox / no-tox methods focus on the “toxins” part, Building Biology is all about intentionally choosing to choose things that align with Nature’s biological rules.

It places emphasis on the fundamental factors of life: air, water, light, and electromagnetism.

By focusing on what we need to live rather than simply on toxins to toss out or avoid, the process becomes positive and empowering. You begin to experience moments of discovery about your personal health goals and preferences and your environment while going through your space!

One tricky thing about Building Biology is that it takes a lot of time, reading, and sifting through product research, scientific studies and consensus, as well as planning and organisation to prioritise what to assess and mitigate in your home.

This is why a thorough assessment can take upwards of a few hours for just a small room… It takes time and energy!

It is easy to toss out a bottle full of toxic chemicals. But how do you deal with pollution in your home on a larger scale?

Here is myth #1:

You can “clean” or “cancel” harmful pollution by buying a device or display item.

Myths you can ignore. or nature’s rules to keep in mind…

The health market is burgeoning with products that offer to shield or protect from toxins, such as harmful electro-pollution. It is a positive reflection of the growing awareness of our electromagnetic nature and exposure to manmade electro pollution.

For anyone who chooses to DIY building biology principles, including EMF mitigation, the #1 rule is to identify first the source of the pollution. There is no rush to bring in additional things without understanding your current environment.

Yet, factors such as EMFs, water, mould remediation, require specialised and professional-grade meters and equipment that certified Building Biologists would use in their assessments.

As a busy mom, I completely understand wanting some quick help, and an EASY starting point.

I kept searching, and then tried to create, a perfect checklist that could help me go through vulnerable materials and factors in my home that could affect mine and my family’s growth and development, and future proof our wellness!

I didn’t want to miss out any of the vital principles, and yet I knew (or rather, I learnt it the tough way) that it is the mundane daily routines that make or break the task — they go together! That’s why I decided to create my own checklist.

My own Comprehensive Building Biology Checklist. Especially for busy moms and dads. But really for anyone in charge of having to make the best home possible.

Steps to take before you start to DIY principles of Building Biology. And Things to keep in mind when you start

Before we get to the checklist, let’s briefly address how a Building Biology assessment works.

We already discussed how it places emphasis on the fundamental factors of life — but how do you go about discovering those items and routines?

Below is a list of the four core factors in Building Biology. (They cover the 25 principles.) With these, you get an overview of what you are considering as you use the checklist in your home from start to finish.

  1. Occupant health and well-being. This forms the bulk of the checklist. What do you use and do everyday at home?

  2. Natural and man-made electro-magnetic radiation safety.

  3. Ecological impact and energy efficiency.

  4. Site and community design.

The aim of using the checklist is for you to be mindful and empowered in being at home.

Tips for Using the Building Biology Checklist:

  1. Visualise your ultimate goal. Do you want to heal your skin? Do you want to achieve health goals? Are you preparing for a healthy conception, pregnancy, or birth? Do you want a calmer, happier environment with your children and spouse?

  2. Set a time frame (maximum is six months).

  3. Make the checklist a quiet routine.

  4. Go by principle OR by location.

  5. Go through every item in your home and mark it on your checklist. Not there? Write it down.

  6. Thank discarded items (a la Marie Kondo, if you wish) and let them go.

  7. Involve your family. Especially if it is a renovation.

  8. Discard, and then organise.

  9. Choose a healthier alternative.

  10. Simplify your routines and habits.

Get your Comprehensive Building Biology pdf printable planning checklist

In this post I’ve covered everything I’ve learned from practising Building Biology and observing how others live in their spaces.

Whether you’re an athlete wanting to improve your game, a stay-at-home mother, or suffering with chronic dis-ease, you can start creating space for life, right now. Get my free checklist and begin looking at your home with Building Biology! To get the checklist, just fill out the form below.

I believe that bringing together Building Biology principles with an intentional lifestyle is the very best way, and enjoyable way, for building healthy homes and happier families.

Want to eliminate the most common source of electromagnetic radiation right now? Join my free 4-week challenge to EMR-proof your personal devices. I’ll help you clear up your space by challenging you to create new habits to eliminate personal sources of EMR with everything that you do at work or at home. Sign up here.