Must-Watch Documentaries And Videos To Safeguard Your Health (EMFs)

Updated 22 June 2024

Embarking on a toxin-free life can be an overwhelming and transformative experience. To help navigate this road, I have found in-depth documentaries to be particularly helpful to understand how these pollutants affect us, including: Documentary films, EMF Health and Safety videos, and EMF related eBooks. 

The blog contains information on statistical data, industry expert interviews, consumer safety, EMF activism, EMF safety standards, historical information, as well as current events.

This page is a resource that will help you become an informed consumer of EMF pollution.

Learn about EMFs

As a mother or father, you are your child’s whole world, and you want one that is calm, supportive, and helps them grow into the best versions of themselves.

We want it for ourselves too. If you have imagined a stronger, more vibrant and happier you, a calm and peaceful home, you are tackling the tasks of living free of toxins.

Generation Zapped: Dangers of Wireless Technology - 2018

(Full Documentary)

GENERATION ZAPPED investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology; it’s effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. From its links to breast and brain cancer, to its associations with increased infertility and genetic mutations related to autism and ADHD, to newly developed illnesses, such as Electrical Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS).

Take Back Your Power: Uncovering a Trillion-Dollar Crime - 2013

(Full Documentary)

TAKE BACK YOUR POWER uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments and millions of ratepayers are standing against the multi-billion-dollar rollout of 'smart’ utility meters. Follow a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home surveillance, hundreds of home fires and several fatalities, systemic over-billing, health risks, unprecedented hacking vulnerability, and even extortion.

Mobilize: A Film About Cell Phone Radiation - 2014

(Full Documentary)

MOBILIZE investigates the cellphone industry and the issue of cellphone radiation and the long-term health effects. The includes interviews with Apples co-founder Steve Wozniak and other major cellphone engineers and scientists. The film also examines politics and the cellular industry through accounts from California State Senator Mark Leno and California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, as well as Nick Mavodones, former mayor of Portland, Maine. [2023: FREE to view on YouTube for a whole year!]

Surrounded - A Memoir With A Message For The World - 2019

(Full Documentary)

Surrounded showcases Sam Wieder’s powerfully personal story of discovering the dangerous but invisible sea of man-made radiation that most everyone is now swimming in day and night. Heartbreaking and motivating, Sam's experience. Sam shares the personal journey that led him to recognize how the electromagnetic radiation in his everyday life was steadily draining his energy and assaulting his health. There is also a love story of Sam and his loving wife Jacqueline, as their dream life together became a struggle for survival, fueled by the silent stress of living in an electromagnetic world.

The Truth About Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation - Dr. Devra Davis 2015


Dr. Devra Davis is an internationally recognized expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. Dr. Devra Davis outlines the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone and provides a background to the current (SAR) radiation safety standards, policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation are presented, including children’s exposure and risks.

Full Signal - 2010


Have you noticed the cell antennas sprouting up everywhere around you? Along with it are scientifically-backed concern about the health risks that can no longer be ignored. Speaking with leading scientists, activists, and the businessmen who hold the decision in their hands, 'Full Signal' captures a battle to take on the mobile phone companies. This award-winning documentary cracks open the debate surrounding the global health risk they pose.This crafted documentary cracks open the debate surrounding the global health risk they pose.

More about the documentary Surrounded

Anyone who has been a caretaker for a loved one with chronic illnesses will find the insights helpful.

Director Sam Wieder shared, “When a building biologist conducted an environmental assessment of my home 10 years ago, I had no idea just how transformational this would be to my life or that I would be moved to create a film that highlighted this experience.  But this is exactly what primed me to produce Surrounded.”

Discover the steps he finally took to reclaim his health and live in harmony with today’s technology. There’s no need to abandon your electronic devices and retreat to a remote technology-free island. To safeguard your health, however, you need to know how to minimize your exposure to the ever-increasing amount of man-made radiation all around you.

If you have friends, family members, and potential clients who don’t fully grasp the health threat posed by electromagnetic radiation or the real value of your services, this is one film that you’ll want to urge them to see:

Your space is your sanctuary

These documentaries expose the harms of artificial EMFs, offering insights from science, healthcare providers, and people suffering with its related health problems.

There are building biologists who have walked this path of recovery — attaining a higher level of calm to their environment and to themselves, and you can take advantage of this knowledge and guidance in creating a healthier and less stressful living and working environment.

Learn about the harms of manmade EMFs. Share it. Create your sanctuary.