Study: Polyester underwear decreases sperm count and motility

The study

Twenty-four dogs were divided into two equal groups, one of which wore cotton underpants and the other polyester ones.[1]

Seven dogs wearing nothing were used as controls. The underwear was fashioned to fit loosely in the scrotal area so as to avoid its insulating effect.

The dogs wore these continuously for 24 months during which the semen character, testicular temperature, hormones (serum testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin) and testicular biopsy were examined.

The study results

By the end of 24 months, the dogs wearing polyester underpants had lower sperm count and slower sperms.

After removing the polyester underpants, semen improved gradually to normal in 10 dogs. However, sperm counts remained low for two dogs.

other studies on the effects of wearing polyester clothing

In another study done in 2007 by the same researcher, the electrostatic potential from polyester garments was found to have an 'injurious effect on the ovarian and placental function,' which in turn caused low serum progesterone and spontaneous abortions.

The strong dyes used on synthetic fabrics, subjects tested contracted lymphomatoid dermatitis and different other cutaneous reactions.

What does this mean for your health?

Clothing can disrupt the electrostatic potentials generated by the polyester fabric play a role in it.

The lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed with yet another source of toxins; the toxic polyester fabrics that we wear directly on our largest organ, our skin. It slows down and becomes sluggish, leading to inflammation and disease.

