Building Biology Asia

building biology: create space to heal


building biology: "Nature is our gold standard.”

Health and well-being seem more elusive today than ever, as many of live discordant lifestyles in toxic environments. Diet and supplements are not enough for us to be well, physically and mentally. This is where building biology comes in. Your body deeply desires a space aligned with laws of Nature to be at its most optimal. Create a space for true health by considering what you need to live and work optimally.

Principles of life

In Building Biology™, a biological space takes Nature as the gold standard and is based on the fundamentals of life: electromagnetic fields, and the quality of light, water, and air.

My approach

I combine Building Biology™ principles and conscious lifestyle to help you create a space that supports you. With interior assessments & home consultations, I help you build a supportive space and create a more natural habitat in modern contexts.


Do you know what is in your space?

Our lives are increasingly contained indoors — in homes, workplaces, malls, cars, public commutes.

Within these, invisible fields affect our health in fundamental ways.

These fields — light, water, and electromagnetism — are the basic principles of life that make up our environment, and determine the quality of our life.



Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a fundamental impact on our health and well-being down to our cells. You can expect to feel a difference the first time you experience a living space that is in harmony with your cellular biology.



Light governs our body’s metabolism every minute day and night. How we manage the light sources around us is how we empower our circadian rhythms to energise, rest, and revitalise our bodies.



While we tend to think of water as merely H2O, it is a complex essence of minerals and compounds that hydrate our cells at its deepest levels. Where and how we source and manage our water helps us to reach our fullest vitality in life.



Choose to surround yourself with materials that naturally supports growth and well-being for every stage of life. Create the look, feel, comfort, and efficiency you intend with a bio-based design and environmental sustainability.


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