Building Biology Asia


Do you want to eliminate the most common source of electromagnetic radiation?

Wireless radiation, or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), are how most of us became alert to the dangers of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Thousands of scientific papers have been published in just the past decade sounding the alarm on fertility, neurological development — including in utero, and early autoimmune dis-eases that we hear about constantly in the news.

In this free 4-week challenge to EMR-proof your personal devices, I’ll help you clear up your space by challenging you to create new habits to eliminate personal sources of EMR with everything that you do at work or at home. 

Each week I'll present a challenge designed to reduce your exposure to EMR and learn about the safety of the technology you use every day. At the end of the 4-week challenge, you’ll have a clearer, less electro-polluted, space, and a clearer mind and body armed with the knowledge of your environment.


  • A laptop / desktop computer or smartphone

  • An open mind about artificial EMFs and how you could be experiencing its harms

  • The willingness to improve your personal space and health


Increased Awareness

Becoming more EMF-aware starts with education. We don’t know what we don’t know and with growing research, it’s hard to keep up! Through this programme, you’ll learn about the technology in your pocket/handbag/bedside, etc. that you use everyday.

Make your indoor space your biological sanctuary

We use digital devices every day for work and play and even in our most private spaces at home. It is hard to throw out the phone or iPad.

But we can still use digital devices in a way that safeguards our health, especially at home. Yes, you may lose certain conveniences going hardwired but with the right knowledge, you understand your level of risk and use your device safely, and you are creating your very own home sanctuary in a digital world.

You are taking a proactive approach for your health, and your children and loved ones

The Bioinitiative Report continues to report the shocking biological effects EMR can have on the developing minds and bodies of children. Parents and teachers know a child's energy levels or tantrums and moods is directly associated with screentime—regardless of the content. Some countries have regulations to protect children in schools.

Yet we are giving our children their own devices while they are still wearing nappies!

It takes 10-15 years for scientific research to reach the mainstream. With this guide, you are putting yourself at an advantage than the average person by putting you in the category of someone who is aware of this environmental pollutant, and understands what to do in the onslaught of device EMR and tech use. Your children will thank you.