
Study: Dangerous levels of metal toxicity in clothing

Metals are used to make clothing and textile products in many processes, such as:

  • metal complex dye (cobalt, copper, chromium, lead),

  • pigments,

  • mordant (chromium),

  • catalyst in synthetic fabrics manufacture (antimony oxide),

  • synergists of flame retardants (Sb2O3), antimicrobials (nanoparticles of silver, titanium oxide and zinc oxide),

  • water repellents, and;

  • odour-preventive agents

When we wear these metals on our skin, our body’s largest organ, heavy metals may mean a potential danger to human health.

The study

The researchers analysed clothes made of different materials, colours, and brands.

The results

Different materials in darker dyes have different levels of metals. The researchers found high levels of Cr in polyamide dark clothes (605 mg/kg), high Sb concentrations in polyester clothes (141 mg/kg), and great Cu levels in some green cotton fabrics (around 280 mg/kg).

Significantly lower concentrations of Al and Sr were found in “eco” clothes,.

No significant differences were observed in branded and unbranded clothing pieces.