17+ Simple Ways to Reduce Home EMF Exposure -- Easy DIY

In our digital, tech-savvy world, electromagnetic frequency (EMF) are the fastest growing environmental toxin. Due to the exponential increase in the use of wireless personal communication devices (eg, mobile or cordless phones and WiFi or Bluetooth-enabled devices) as well as the infrastructure built around us to accommodate it.

We know that lead, air pollution, and other toxic chemicals can damage our health and, while it is gaining momentum, more people are realising the harm EMFs can do. Studies show that wireless and EMF radiation can synergistically increase the effect of these daily toxic exposures because of the ways in which wireless radiation alters the body’s natural functioning.1

What Are EMFs?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are energy fields that surround electrically charged objects and are generated by various sources, such as power lines, electronics, and wireless devices. Exposure to EMFs has been associated with potential health issues such as cancer and reproductive problems. With mobile technology in every aspect of life, including in-school learning, we’re are bombarded by EMFs on a daily basis.

Are you feeling EMF sensitivity? Click here to read about the different types of EMFs and how you may be exposed to them.

How to Minimize Home EMF Exposure (17+ suggestions)

If you’re wondering where to start in this process, below is my personal list of EMF minimizing strategies to consider. I started developing this list with my first child and am constantly adding to it as I find new and fast ways to do the lifestyle hack.

  1. Always turn WIFI off at night — you can use an auto-timer.  Keep it away from bedrooms and anywhere near where you spend time in. This is a simple way to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) for the crucial hours of rest while you sleep. Better yet, switch back to wired connections.  Before you think you need to open up walls to do this, check out my guide.

  2. Deactivate Bluetooth & AirDrop on ALL your devices to decrease the continuous transmission of wireless signals. Many other devices, even air purifiers and refrigerators, that connect to the “Internet of things” and can be wirelessly operated. You don’t need to be in a “surround sound” of wireless radiation all day.

  3. Toss the microwave. Avoid using it.

  4. Use an electric stove and avoid induction ovens, which emit a large EMF field. The metal cookware itself becomes magnetized, a small amount of current passes from the cookware into your body when you touch the pan.

  5. Check if you are using Smart Appliances - TVs, Washing Machines, Air Filters, Fridges, etc. Opt for brands that allow you to disable WiFi.   

  6. Replace all dimmer switches in your home with simple on/off switches. Dimmer switches are notorious for producing dirty electricity! This includes ceiling fans. Use the manual switches or chains to adjust the speed level, not dimmer switches.

  7. Replace all LED and fluorescent light bulbs (including CFLs) in your home. These types of bulbs emit a large EMF field compared with simple incandescent light bulbs that have none. Go for traditional bulbs such as halogen or incandescent bulbs. If you use a few battery backup LED bulbs around your home for power outages, minimize them as much as possible.

  8. Never sleep your phone near your bed, and especially near your head. If you must use it as an alarm clock, put it on airplane mode and place it 5 feet or more from the mattress before turning in.

  9. Never use an electric blanket while you sleep. Avoid using an electric heating pad for pain too if at all possible. Use a hot water bottle instead.

  10. Choose only wired baby monitors, if you use them. Not many low-EMF versions out there.  Minimize use if at all.  Keep monitors a safe distance away from babies and mothers. Test with with an EMF meter to determine this.

  11. Put a barrier between your body and your laptop.

    Keep your laptop away from your lap to reduce direct body contact and exposure to EMFs. If you must, use an EMF blocking pad underneath.

  12. Do not carry a cell phone in a pocket of your clothing (this means it’s right against your body) or even your handbag while it is turned on. Did you know that every cellphone comes with a warning about keeping the phone too close to your body? (The iPhone 5 manual says users should keep the phone 10 millimeters away from your ear!) Use an EMF blocking phone case or privacy pouch instead. These KRIA pouches are both beautiful and effective.

  13. Reduce hair dryer use.

    Did you know that a hair dryer can emit roughly 40 milligauss to 20,000 milligauss in EMFs? To put this in context, a microwave emits 100-500 milligauss, so using them less frequently can greatly decrease your overall exposure.

  14. Avoid Smart Meters.

    Make sure your home does not use a Smart Meter or Smart Water Meter. Call your local power and water company and find out if you have already gotten one and if so, make sure to opt-out and go back to the analog meters. It costs a bit more per month, but it is worth it. If you do not have an option to get rid of your Smart Meter, make or buy an EMF blocking cover for it. Locate beds at least 10 feet away from Smart Meters. 

  15. Create a safe sanctuary spot.

    Pick one spot or area in your home that you want to make a total sanctuary, and make sure it checks all the tips on this list. The bedroom is important. It could be where you breastfeed your baby or where you spend much time at work. The single most important space we need to make into an EMF sanctuary is our bedroom - the space where we spend at least a third of our lives.

  16. Avoid having any metal in your mouth and body.

    This includes metal braces, permanent wire retainers, titanium implants and silver fillings. Any type of metal in your mouth concentrates EMFs toward your head essentially making it an antenna.

  17. Place plugs 6-8 feet away from your bed.

    This is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Try unplugging as many things as you can at night. Power strips can be great for this.

  18. Invest in an EMF meter — an affordable consumer meter is a proactive way to measure and monitor EMFs in your environment.

    You can quantify the levels of EMFs emitted by appliances, electronics, or power lines that you may be unawares of. Even if they’re not 100% (variability depends on the sensitivity of the meter). they can help you identify areas with higher EMF concentrations and take steps to reduce potential health risks.

Are you sensitive to EMFs? Do you do anything to reduce your and your family’s EMF exposure?

Even as awareness is growing, 5G is getting rolled out quickly in urban areas. Protecting yourself from this technology takes a bit of planning. Get in touch to find out more about how you can protect yourself at home.