FAQs about EMF Assessments

Most of the questions are about how and why EMFs (electro-magnetic fields) occur, what their dangers may be, and how a Building Biology assessment can reduce your exposure to man-made EMFs.

Here are some of the more common questions asked about EMFs. Four man-made ones, in particular.

Many of the world’s top functional doctors recognise that “EMF removal is essential for proper healing”, including Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Dan Pompa, Dr. Ben Lynch, and Dr. Tom O’Bryan.

What is a Building Biologist?

As a certified Building Biologist, I help you plan and create better spaces that support your biological health.

I also draw on over 15 years’ experience in research and publishing to provide you with scientific knowledge, support, and the necessary tools for you to make informed-based decisions for your own home or work space.

What is an emf consultation or an assessment?

An assessment for a space can identify EMF sources and your EMF sensitivity. It provide solutions to reduce exposure.

In my consultations with you, I add a strong base of EMF knowledge as an essential toolkit that you can take with you in terms of healing recommendations, programs or protocols.

Why does an assessment take X hours?

An assessment is based on your priorities and needs, and a comprehensive EMF assessment paints a picture of the invisible electro-pollution in your space.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum is broad, and in a Building Biology assessment for a space, we are concerned with at least 4 types of EMFs and the health effects.

These are AC magnetic fields (cable lines, currents drawn by device, appliance, or motor, electrical wiring errors, stray electrical current on water pipes, cable tv lines, phone lines and other utility installations);

Radio frequency fields (wireless radiation from mobile / Bluetooth devices, wifi, cell phone towers, smart devices, 5G);

AC electric fields (circuits, power lines);

Dirty electricity (any manipulation of the electrical current by devices, appliances and lighting in your home, incl dimmer switches, televisions, laptops…)

As you can see, that is a lot to assess in any modern space!

EMFs are not really that harmful, are they? EMFs levels by devices are at “safe levels”. We’ve lived with mobile phones for so long. Etc.

The 1996 EMF safety standards that are supposed to protect people are based on the false premise that the only way that EMFs can hurt our biology is by causing overheating.

This myth is unscientific, considering the fact that publicly-available research published by the NASA in 1970,[1]the US Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) in 1971,[2]the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in 1976[3] and countless others show that EMFs can and do cause damage through non-thermal mechanisms.

In other words, our current safety standards are based on a false premise, and therefore do not protect anyone against the harm caused by microwave radiation.

Thousands of studies in just the last decade is proving this. This includes the $25 US NTP study has published their conclusions after running one of the most important and costly studies around cell phones and cancer ever conceived. Their initial goal: proving without the shadow of a doubt that cell phones are safe.

What they found: the opposite; rats and mice exposed to cellphone radiation have shown “Clear Evidence” of an increase in multiple tumor types— read this blog for more detail.

It is up to you to measure for and reduce the man-made EMFs in your life.

My children are already grown up and no longer babies. Is an EMF consultation or assessment still beneficial?

Children are being conceived and born exposed to artificial EMFs. Children are at greater risk from exposure to carcinogens than adults, and this risk remains well into adolescence as they develop.

One effect is on their emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control—these are fundamental skills required for success and emotional well-being.

There are many things we can do as parents to mitigate any harm and plan a path forward for children to learn how to live well in a digitised society.

Not least, creating a good space can help unplug our children, limit their screen time, and give them some digital detox.

What other services do you offer?

Interior design support and sourcing; Birth space / Postpartum recovery planning; Childrens’ space planning.