High Electromagnetic Field Exposure in Kindergarten Children: Study in South Korea

Sensitive areas like schools, kindergartens, hospital, and other public facilities have been of great concerns of various studies on Electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

This study includes 24 kindergartens across Busan, South Korea (12 kindergartens located near UGTL and 12 kindergartens without UGTL).

Research conclusions

The maximum mean value of the EMF emission level was 13.5 mG around the kindergartens and 17.7 mG from the point of UGTL to kindergartens. EMF emission level around the kindergartens was significantly associated with the location of the UGTL (t = −7.35, P < 0.001).

  • These estimates are not trivial, as long-term exposure to EMF among kindergarten children can lead to different health problems.

  • Routine monitoring of EMF emission levels is recommended including the awareness of EMF exposure to public citizens.

  • It is not appropriate to ignore the fact that EMFs are potentially carcinogenic to children. Proper installation solutions should be implemented for the minimization of the EMF level around the public sensitive areas with routine monitoring.

LINK: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fped.2021.694407/full#B1

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