Home Assessment - New Apartment & Newlyweds, Fatigue in Early 30s

A newly married couple in their early 30s had made up a beautiful new HDB apartment for their new home together. One room was a dedicated music room, holding their recording equipment and the drums. They were a beautiful creative couple who love and play music. He’s a musician and she, a writer and a pianist too, and I leapt the opportunity to check out their home music studio.

The music room was an amazing space— a handsome set of drums stood in the middle like a mini stage flanked by speakers, the room was decked out in soundproof flooring, equipped with all the equipment he needs to record and process his music. 

He said he finds it hard to unwind at night and sleeps late. It’s not unusual that he wakes up after lunchtime, and by the time he feels ready for creative work, it's the in the evenings or at night. She, similarly, was feeling the grind of everyday work and sought more peace and calm in her everyday life. Interestingly, she said she cannot feel relaxed in the music room. 

The Assessment:

The room measured high in all of the fields I measured: electrical fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency. 

Take my challenge to get yourself hardwired at home. Looking to makeover your space? Get in touch for a free discovery call. 

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